X-Road Drive - a web storage service to manage and share files over X-Road.
The docker compose creates the demo environment with demo data. On the project directory,
./dockerized_demo.sh up -d
web UI (client side) http://localhost:8080
security server standalone UI http://localhost:8084
Remove all docker containers and images.
./dockerized_demo.sh down --rmi all
The Docker images are available on the Docker Hub.
In the docker-compose-demo.yml
and docker-compose-dev.yml
, the pre-configured niis/xroad-security-server-standalone is used.
- yamatokataoka/xroad-drive-security-server-standalone-demo
- yamatokataoka/xroad-drive-security-server-standalone-dev
The docker compose creates the development environment.
On the project directory,
./dockerized_dev.sh up -d --build
web UI http://localhost:8080
API http://localhost:8082
metadata API http://localhost:8083
security server standalone UI http://localhost:8084
Remove docker containers and images.
./dockerized_dev.sh down --rmi all
Contributions are welcome!
- Fork the repository.
- Create a branch from develop with a descriptive name.
- Implement your feature or bug fix.
- Add, commit, and push your changes.
- Submit a pull request.