This project provides an implementation of 3D navigation for the hector quadrotor using the Moveit! Motion Planning Framework.
This package is developed on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic. The support for other versions of ROS is under further development.
To install the necessary packages:
To build the ros package:
catkin build
To launch the simulation environment :
roslaunch hector_navigation_simulation empty_world_navigation.launch
Users can custom the simulation environment by providing gazebo world files.
To launch the navigation stack:
roslaunch hector_navigation_simulation hector_navigation.launch
This package currently provides two ros service:
rosservice call /hector_takeoff "takeoff_distance_m: Desired Takeoff distance"
The user is able to set the hovering height for takeoff.
rosservice call /hector_navigation "goal:
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
speed: 0.0"
Users are able to set the navigation goal position with a desired cruise speed.
This project is developed heavily referring to Tahsincan Köse's hector-moveit project.