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The best way to play Wistia video on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. Written in Swift.

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Your Video on iOS in 5 minutes!

Disclaimer 1: You need to have Xcode 8 GM Seed installed (which will take > 5 minutes if you don't already have it updated) Disclaimer 2: You need to have RubyGems installed (which may also take a little while)

Ok, got that out of the way. Now for the fun and fairly easy part!

  1. Install Cocoapods if you haven't already: gem install cocoapods Until Cocoapods 1.1.0 is released, install the prerelease with gem install cocoapods --pre
  2. pod try WistiaKit will pull this Pod down and open it in Xcode
  3. Choose the "WistiaKit-Example" project next to the play icon and press play!

This simple app lets you enter the Hashed ID of any media and play it. Look at the code in WistiaKit/Example for Wistia Kit/ViewCongtroller.swift and look at the basic interface in WistiaKit/Example for Wistia Kit/Main.storyboard. That's all there is to it; two interface outlets, one custom instance variable, and three lines of code to play the video.

Your Video on tvOS (Apple TV)

Just add the WistiaKit pod to any tvOS project. Yup, that's it.

Two caveats:

  1. There is not yet an example project (like above). So it may take more than 5 minutes.
  2. The WistiaPlayerViewController is not available on tvOS. Instead, create a WistiaPlayer and an AVPlayerViewController and marry them with avPlayerVC.player = wistiaPlayer.avPlayer. We think the AVPlayerViewController looks great on the TV and would be hard pressed to do better.

You Improve WistiaKit

We're still in the early phases of developing this thing. Please get in touch with us (Create an issue, a pull request, email or tweet at Wistia, etc.) to let us know what you'd like to see in WistiaKit.


You need a Wistia account on the Platform plan. You'll also need some videos in your account. And at this point in the game, you need the Hashed ID of the video you'd like to play.


WistiaKit is available through CocoaPods.

CocoaPods 1.1.0+ is required to build WistiaKit 0.12+.

To install, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "WistiaKit"


WistiaKit is conceptually divided into two tranches; playback and data. Depending on your application, you may use both components -- which work seamlessly together -- or either of them independently. Let's briefly get to know them before diving into the details.

Playback is akin to a web embed. You can present a WistiaPlayerViewController and play any of your videos using nothing but its hashedID. Customizations are applied to the player and statistics are tracked like normal; you need do nothing extra. Run the example project in this pod to see it in action (pod try WistiaKit then hit ▶ in Xcode >= 8.0).

If you don't want all the chrome (ie. player controls, scrubber, time, initial poster, etc.) you can get a little lower level with WistiaPlayer. You still need just a hashedID, but all you get is an AVPlayerLayer which you can present and gussy up however you wish. All your Wistia statistics are belong to us are tracked like normal. Psst: the WistiaPlayerViewController uses the WistiaPlayer under the hood.

Data is provided through the Data API. We've Swift'd it up, built a bunch of structs, and added some nice syntactic sugar. And the end result -- we hope -- is that it feels natural whether you're coming from another code-level interface to the Data API or the web view you use to manage your account. Initialize a WistiaAPI object with an API Token from your account and you're off to the races. View account details, list your projects, dig into your medias; everything you can do from the Data API, you can do from here.

Bring them both together: create a WistiaAPI to browse your WistiaProjects, choose a WistiaMedia, use that WistiaMedia object to initialize a WistiaPlayerViewController, and then self.presentViewController(_:animated:completion:)! It's so easy, I bet you could build a pretty nice Apple TV app in a hackathon...

Video upload is where it all begins! Technically part of the WistiaAPI but cool enough to get it's own section. Simply create a URL pointing to a movie on the device, or a Data of the movie itself, and upload into your account with just one line.


I guess there's not much to say here. Mostly just refer to the Data API docs. And of course, you should use an instance of WistiaAPI to intrect with the API. For example:

import WistiaKit

let globalAPI = WistiaAPI(apiToken:"C4NTB3L13V3TH1S1SARAND0MT0K3N")

func printMediasByProject(){
    globalAPI.listProjects { (projects, error) in
        for project in projects {
            print("\(project) medias:")
            globalAPI.listMedias(limitedToProject: project, completionHandler: { (medias, error) in
                for media in medias {
                    print("  \(media)")

Caveat: WistiaKit is not yet Data API complete. But it will be. If there's some functionality that you want, but is not yet available, let us know by submitting a Pull Request ☺ or creating an issue.

A Note About Structs

New to iOS programming, via Swift, is the expanded availability of value semantics. We'll discuss exatly what that means in soon.

In the good old days of Objective-C you had objects. These were your classes and what not. When you passed objects into methods, or stored them in variables, you were always talking about the same object. This is because your object was a reference type. You were actually passing around references (aka pointers) to the object.

But even then you had value types. A good example were your integers. If you said a = 4 and b = a, you set both a and b to the value of 4. They weren't pointing to an object. So b++ didn't change the value of a, it would remain 4.

Enter Swift and a whole lot more value types! Now we have struct s (and enum s and tuples) that may remind us of reference types, but are actually value types. In WistiaKit, your data objects are struct s. So if you let a = someMedia and let b = a, your variables a and b have independent copies of that WistiaMedia. If you change something, like = "whatever", this won't affect

We think this makes WistiaKit less error prone and makes it easier to reason about your code.

If you want to spend some guru meditation time on this, you could do worse than starting with the Swift Blog and a WWDC 2015 talk.


Whether you take a video with the camera, download it from the web, or pull it from iCloud, it's just one line to upload to Wistia. The hardest part should be locating the file URL or Data. And that's pretty easy ;-]

import WistiaKit

let api = WistiaAPI(apiToken: "C4NTB3L13V3TH1S1SARAND0MT0K3N")

let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "hello", withExtension: "mov")

api.upload(fileURL: fileURL!, into: "ProjectHashedID", name: "Hello, World!", 
  progressHandler: { progress in
    print("reticulating splines... \(progress)")
  completionHandler: { media, error in
    print("You've got media! \(media)")

Shouldn't need it, but it's nice to know the Wistia Upload API documentation is also available.


The first thing to do is decide how you'd like your video player to look. If you're familiar with video playback on iOS already, then all you need to know is: WistiaPlayerViewController ~= AVPlayerViewController and WistiaPlayer ~= AVPlayer. If you're new to video on iOS, or just need a refresher, read on.

Those who like the look of our web player -- including (most) customizations -- and/or don't want to do a ton of UI buliding should use the WistiaPlayerViewController. You may present it fullscreen or within a ContainerView inside your own ViewController. It comes with standard playback controls and some nice delegate methods for you to hook into.

For those of you who want total control, you want the WistiaPlayer. To see the video you will need to present the AVPlayerLayer vended by your instance of the WistiaPlayer. And you'll need to programatically control the WistiaPlayer yourself; an AVPlayerLayer renders only video and includes no player controls or other UI. As you can see, with great power comes great responsibility. :-P

Initializing WistiaPlayerViewController or WistiaPlayer

  • referrer - We recommend using a universal link to the video. This will allow you to click that link from the Wistia stats page while still recording the in-app playback location. If you are using Domain Restrictions, referrer must match your whitelist or video will not load.
  • requireHLS - Apple has specific requirements for playing video within apps. It boils down to this: if you want to play video over 10 minutes in length over the celluar network (ie. you don't force wifi), then you must use HLS. And Wistia fully supports and has thoroughly tested our HLS implementation with Apple. We recommend leaving this to true which is the default.

WistiaPlayerViewController Example

Lets say we're building an app that has an introductory section. We can use a single WistiaPlayerViewController to load any number of intro videos and present them full screen, as in the following example:

import WistiaKit

class IntroductionViewController: UIViewController {

  let wistiaPlayerVC = WistiaPlayerViewController(referrer: "")

  func loadVideoWithHashedID(hashedID: String) {
    self.presentViewController(wistiaPlayerVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

This will load the video, but it is up to the user to play and otherwise interact with the content.

WistiaPlayer Example

If we want our intro video to behave a little differently, we might use a WistiaPlayer. In the following example, we play an intro video without giving the user any way to control the video. They have to sit there and watch it! <evil>bwaa ha ha ha!</evil> When video playback completes, we automatically progress to the next intro screen.

Below, we display the video with a WistiaFlatPlayerView, which is a plain UIView backed by an AVPlayerLayer. This layer is configured to display video content when you set the view's wistiaPlayer property to an instance of WistiaPlayer. While it behaves like any other UIView, allowing you to use common and familiar lifecycle and layout mechanisms, you may clamor for more power.

A standalone AVPlayerLayer is avaiable through an WistiaPlayers newPlayerLayer() method. Upon requesting this layer, any previously configured layers or view's will cease to render the content for that player. A newly initialized AVPlayerLayer - like any CALayer - should have its frame set before being added as a sublayer. You are also responsible for maintaining layout at the layer level, either manually, with CAConstraints, or an other layer-based mechanism.

import WistiaKit

class IntroductionViewController: UIViewController, WistiaPlayerDelegate {

  let wistiaPlayer = WistiaPlayer(referrer: "")
  // In Interface Builder we set the view's class to WistiaFlatPlayerView.  
  // If we had a compelling reason, we could instead use an AVPlayerLayer directly via `newPlayerLayer()`.
  // But a UIView is more familiar without sacrificing much flexibility.
  @IBOutlet weak var playerContainer: WistiaFlatPlayerView!
  override public func viewDidLoad() {
    wistiaPlayer.delegate = self
    playerContainer.wistiaPlayer = wistiaPlayer
  //Mark: - WistiaPlayerDelegate
  public func wistiaPlayer(player:WistiaPlayer, didChangeStateTo newState:WistiaPlayer.State) {
    switch newState {
    case .VideoReadyForPlayback:
      //ignoring, but probably shouldn't

  public func wistiaPlayerDidPlayToEndTime(player: WistiaPlayer) {
  // ... rest of delegate methods ...

Closed Captioning

If you are using the WistiaPlayerViewController, closed captioning if fully supported right out of the box. You don't need to do anything more!

For those interpid slingers of the codez using WistiaPlayer directly, we've made it fairly simple to display captions. Grab the WistiaPlayer.captionsRenderer -- an instance of WistiaCaptionsRenderer configured for that player -- and hook up its captionsView to a view in your UI that overlays the video view. The renderer handles the under-the-hood work of retrieving the captions, timing data, updating the UI content, and mainting proper UI visibility. Captions are kept up to date during playback and seeking across all videos loaded by the WistiaPlayer. Control what captions, if any, are displayed with the enabled and captionsLanguageCode properties of the WistiaCaptionsRenderer.

Player APIs

Up above are a bunch of words that explain how WistiaKit is structured, how to approach it, and some examples of how to use it. It's good to know the lay of the land. But as they say, the map is not the terrain. You're ready young padawan, go forth and read the appledoc.


d j spinosa,


WistiaKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Access and playback all of your Wistia







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