Created by Stephen McDonald
Mezzanineはパワフルかつ一貫性があり、そしてフレキシブルなコンテンツ管理プラットフォームです。 Django フレームワークを使用することで、Mezzanineはコードの編集を促進する シンプルで高度に拡張可能なアーキテクチャを提供しています。 Mezzanineは BSD licensed で提供されており、アクティブかつ多様なコミュニティによりサポートされています。
ある意味では、Mezzanineは Wordpress のようなツールに似ています。 両者は、ページ, ブログ投稿, フォームデータ, 店舗商品その他のコンテンツを 管理する直感的なインタフェースを提供します。しかし、Mezzanineには 異なる面もまたあります。モジュールや再利用可能なアプリケーションによる 拡張性を有する他の多くのプラットフォームとは異なり、Mezzanineは その多くの機能を標準で提供しています。このアプローチは、より統合された効果的な プラットフォームを生み出しています。
Mezzanine project page を訪れて、great sites people have built using Mezzanine のいくつかを覗いてみてください。
Mezzanineでは、Djangoによる一般的な機能(MVCアーキテクチャ, ORM, テンプレート, キャッシュ, 自動的な管理画面)に加えて、以下の機能を提供します:
- 階層的ページナビゲーション
- サイト上での下書き保存とプレビュー
- スケジュール公開
- ドラッグ・アンド・ドロップによるページ並べ替え
- In-line page editing
- ドラッグ・アンド・ドロップによるCSVエクスポート可能なHTML5フォームビルダ
- SEOフレンドリなURLとメタデータ
- ショッピングカート・モジュール (Cartridge)
- 編集可能な dashboard ウィジェット
- ブログエンジン
- タグ付け
- Themes Marketplace
- メール認証可能なユーザ・アカウントとプロファイル
- 35以上の言語への翻訳
- FacebookやTwitterでの共有
- ページやブログ投稿毎の Custom templates
- Twitter Bootstrap との統合
- API for custom content types
- Search engine and API
- サードパーティ製Djangoアプリとのシームレスな統合
- マルチデバイス検出とテンプレートのハンドリング
- 他のブログエンジンからのワンステップでの移行
- 自動化された本番へのプロビジョニングと移行
- Disqus との統合, もしくはビルトインのスレッド型コメント
- Gravatar との統合
- Google Analytics との統合
- Twitter フィードとの統合
- との統合
- Akismet スパム・フィルタリング
- 組み込み test suite
- JVM 互換 (via Jython)
Mezzanine makes use of as few libraries as possible (apart from a standard Django environment), with the following dependencies:
- Python 2.6 / 2.7 / 3.3
- Django 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6
- Python Imaging Library - for image resizing
- grappelli-safe - admin skin (Grappelli fork)
- filebrowser-safe - for managing file uploads (FileBrowser fork)
- bleach - for sanitizing markup in content
- pytz and tzlocal - for timezone support
- South - for database migrations (optional)
- django-compressor - for merging JS/CSS assets (optional)
- requests and requests-oauth - for interacting with external APIs
- pyflakes and pep8 - for running the test suite (optional)
Mezzanineの管理インタフェースは全てのモダンブラウザで動作します。 Internet Explorer 7以前についてはサポート対象外です。
最も簡単な方法は以下のコマンドで pip を使って pypi から 直接インストールすることです。この方法では前述の依存関係もあわせて インストールされます。:
$ pip install mezzanine
好みによっては、Mezzanineをダウンロードしてソースから直接 インストールすることも可能です。:
$ python install
$ mezzanine-project project_name $ cd project_name $ python createdb --noinput $ python runserver
The createdb
command is a shortcut for using Django's syncdb
command and setting the initial migration state for South. You
can alternatively use syncdb
and migrate
if preferred.
South is automatically added to INSTALLED_APPS if the
setting is set to True
will also install some demo content, such as a contact
form and image gallery. If you'd like to omit this step, use the
option with createdb
You should then be able to browse to and
log in using the default account (username: admin, password:
). If you'd like to specify a different username and password
during set up, simply exclude the --noinput
option included above
when running createdb
For information on how to add Mezzanine to an existing Django project, see the FAQ section of the documentation.
Mezzanine is an open source project managed using both the Git and Mercurial version control systems. These repositories are hosted on both GitHub and Bitbucket respectively, so contributing is as easy as forking the project on either of these sites and committing back your enhancements.
Please note the following guidelines for contributing:
- Contributed code must be written in the existing style. This is as simple as following the Django coding style and (most importantly) PEP 8.
- Contributions must be available on a separately named branch based on the latest version of the main branch.
- Run the tests before committing your changes. If your changes cause the tests to break, they won't be accepted.
- If you are adding new functionality, you must include basic tests and documentation.
If you want to do development with mezzanine, here's a quick way to set up a development environment and run the unit tests, using virtualenvwrapper to set up a virtualenv:
$ mkvirtualenv mezzanine $ workon mezzanine $ pip install Django pep8 pyflakes $ git clone $ cd mezzanine $ python develop $ cp mezzanine/project_template/ mezzanine/project_template/ $ ./mezzanine/project_template/ test
Mezzanine makes full use of translation strings, which allow Mezzanine to be translated into multiple languages using Django's internationalization methodology. Translations are managed on the Transiflex website but can also be submitted via GitHub or Bitbucket. Consult the documentation for Django's internationalization methodology for more information on creating translations and using them.
The following modules have been developed outside of Mezzanine. If you have developed a module to integrate with Mezzanine and would like to list it here, send an email to the mezzanine-users mailing list. You can also add modules to the Mezzanine Grid on
- Cartridge - ecommerce for Mezzanine.
- Drum - A Hacker News / Reddit clone powered by Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-html5boilerplate - Integrates the html5boilerplate project into Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-mdown - Adds Markdown support to Mezzanine's rich text editor.
- mezzanine-openshift - Setup for running Mezzanine on Redhat's OpenShift cloud platform.
- mezzanine-stackato - Setup for running Mezzanine on ActiveState's Stackato cloud platform.
- mezzanine-blocks - A Mezzanine flavored fork of django-flatblocks.
- mezzanine-widgets - Widget system for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-themes - A collection of Django/Mezzanine templates.
- mezzanine-twittertopic - Manage multiple Twitter topic feeds from the Mezzanine admin interface.
- mezzanine-captcha - Adds CAPTCHA field types to Mezzanine's forms builder app.
- mezzanine-bookmarks - A multi-user bookmark app for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-events - Events plugin for Mezzanine, with geocoding via Google Maps, iCalendar files, webcal URLs and directions via Google Calendar/Maps.
- mezzanine-polls - Polls application for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-pagedown - Adds the Pagedown WYSIWYG editor to Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-careers - Job posting application for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-recipes - Recipes plugin with built-in REST API.
- mezzanine-slides - Responsive banner slides app for Mezzanine.
- mezzyblocks - Another app for adding blocks/modules to Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-flexipage - Allows designers to manage content areas in templates.
- mezzanine-instagram - A simple Instagram app for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-wiki - Wiki app for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-calendar - Calendar pages in Mezzanine
- mezzanine-facebook - Simple Facebook integration for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-instagram-gallery - Create Mezzanine galleries using Instagram images.
- mezzanine-cli - Command-line interface for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-categorylink - Integrates Mezzanine's Link pages with its blog categories.
- mezzanine-podcast - A simple podcast streamer and manager for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-linkcollection - Collect links. Feature them. Share them over RSS.
- cash-generator - Generate GnuCash invoices with Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-foundation - Zurb Foundation theme for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-file-collections - Simple file collection page type for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-wymeditor - WYMeditor adapted as the rich text editor for Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-meze - Adds support for reStructuredText, Pygments and more, to Mezzanine's rich text editing.
- mezzanine-pageimages - Add background and banner images per page in Mezzanine.
- mezzanine-protected-pages - Restrict access to pages by group membership.
- mezzanine-page-auth - A Mezzanine module for add group-level permission to pages.
- django-widgy - Widget-oriented content editing. Includes an adapter for Mezzanine and a powerful form builder.
- mezzanine-admin-backup - Export your Mezzanine database and assets directly from the admin.
- mezzanine-mailchimp - Integrate Mezzanine forms with a MailChimp subscription list.
If you would like to make a donation to continue development of Mezzanine, you can do so via the Mezzanine Project website.
To report a security issue, please send an email privately to This gives us a chance to fix the issue and create an official release prior to the issue being made public.
For general questions or comments, please join the mezzanine-users mailing list. To report a bug or other type of issue, please use the GitHub issue tracker. And feel free to drop by the #mezzanine IRC channel on Freenode, for a chat.
Communications in all Mezzanine spaces are expected to conform to the Django Code of Conduct.
- Citrus Agency
- Mezzanine Project
- Nick Hagianis
- Thomas Johnson
- Central Mosque Wembley
- Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation
- The Source Procurement
- Imageinary
- Brad Montgomery
- Jashua Cloutier
- Alpha & Omega Contractors
- Equity Advance
- Head3 Interactive
- PyLadies
- Ripe Maternity
- Cotton On
- List G Barristers
- Tri-Cities Flower Farm
- ARA Consultants
- Boîte à Z'images
- The Melbourne Cup
- Diablo News
- Goldman Travel
- IJC Digital
- Coopers
- Joe Julian
- Sheer Ethic
- Salt Lake Magazine
- Boca Raton Magazine
- Elephant Juice Soup
- National Positions
- Like Humans Do
- Connecting Countries
- Environmental World Products
- Ross A. Laird
- Etienne B. Roesch
- Recruiterbox
- Mod Productions
- Appsembler
- Pink Twig
- Parfume Planet
- Trading 4 Us
- Chris Fleisch
- Theneum
- My Story Chest
- Philip Sahli
- Raymond Chandler
- Nashsb
- Matthe Wahn
- Bit of Pixels
- European Crystallographic Meeting
- Dreamperium
- UT Dallas
- Go Yama
- Yeti LLC
- Li Xiong
- Pageworthy
- Prince Jets
- 30 sites in 30 days
- St Barnabas' Theological College
- Helios 3D
- Life is Good
- Building 92
- Pie Monster
- Cotton On Asia
- Ivan Diao
- Super Top Secret
- Jaybird Sport
- Manai Glitter
- Sri Emas International School
- Boom Perun
- Tactical Bags
- Sunfluence
- Wdiaz
- Hunted Hive
- The Beancat Network
- Raquel Marón
- EatLove
- Hospitality Quotient
- The Andrew Story
- Charles Koll Jewelry
- Mission Healthcare
- Creuna (com/dk/fi/no/se)
- Coronado School of the Arts
- SiteComb
- Dashing Collective
- Puraforce Remedies
- Google's VetNet
- Evenhouse Consulting
- Humboldt Community Christian School
- Atlanta's Living Legacy
- Shipgistix
- Yuberactive
- Medical Myth Busters
- 4player Network
- Top500 Supercomputers
- Die Betroffenen
- Dominican Python
- Adrenaline
- ACE EdVenture Programme
- Butchershop Creative
- Sam Kingston
- Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Incendio
- Alexander Lillevik
- Walk In Tromsø
- Mandrivia Linux
- Crown Preschool
- Coronado Pathways Charter School
- Raindrop Marketing
- Web4py
- The Peculiar Store
- GrinDin
- 4Gume
- Skydivo
- Noshly
- Kabu Creative
- KisanHub
- Your Song Your Story
- Kegbot
- Fiz
- Willborn
- Copilot Co
- Amblitec
- Gold's Gym Utah
- Appsin - Blog to Native app
- Take Me East
- Code Raising
- ZigZag Bags
- VerifIP
- Clic TV
- JE Rivas
- Heather Gregory Nutrition
- Coronado Island Realty
- Loans to Homes
- Gensler Group
- SaniCo
- Grupo Invista
- Brooklyn Navy Yard
- Nektra Advanced Computing
- Bootstrap ASAP
- California Center for Jobs
- Sam Kingston
- Code Juggle DJ
- Food News
- Australian Discworld Conventions
- Distilled
- OpenMRP
- Arkade Snowboarding
- Linktective The Link Checker
- Zetalab
- Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild
- Anywhereism
- Assistive Listening Device Locator
- Frank & Connie Spitzer
- Coronado Unified School District
- Coronado Inn
- Coronado Schools Foundation
- Light and Life Christian School
- The Morabito Group
- Law Offices of Nancy Gardner
- Soden & Steinberger APLC
- Stalwart Communications
- Ubuntu Consultants
- Wine a Bit Coronado
- Mercury Mastering
- Flowgrammable
- Shibe Mart
- Carlos Isaac Balderas
- Enrico Tröger
- Perugini
- YouPatch
- Batista Peniel
- Perceptyx
- "I'm enjoying working with Mezzanine, it's good work" - Van Lindberg, Python Software Foundation chairman
- "Mezzanine looks like it may be Django's killer app" - Antonio Rodriguez, ex CTO of Hewlett Packard, founder of Tabblo
- "Mezzanine looks pretty interesting, tempting to get me off Wordpress" - Jesse Noller, Python core contributor, Python Software Foundation board member
- "I think I'm your newest fan. Love these frameworks" - Emile Petrone, integrations engineer at Urban Airship
- "Mezzanine is amazing" - Audrey Roy, founder of PyLadies and Django Packages
- "Mezzanine convinced me to switch from the Ruby world over to Python" - Michael Delaney, developer
- "Like Linux and Python, Mezzanine just feels right" - Phil Hughes, Linux For Dummies author, The Linux Journal columnist
- "Impressed with Mezzanine so far" - Brad Montgomery, founder of Work For Pie
- "From the moment I installed Mezzanine, I have been delighted, both with the initial experience and the community involved in its development" - John Campbell, founder of Head3 Interactive
- "You need to check out the open source project Mezzanine. In one word: Elegant" - Nick Hagianis, developer