A Good Repository containing all the resources that you need. Mostly Data Science/Machine Learning and similar. Fork and add ; Create Pull Request.
I've curated a list of topics that I personally liked from the book : Artificial Intelligence-A Modern Approach (by Russel, Norvig) and made short notes to get a gist of the idea. It requires some effort from your end and a lot of googling to understand(if it's new). The repository can be found here : AI Notes Repository
If you are into reading research papers in the field of data science/machine learning and related - check out the list of papers I have collected which in some way or other helped me in some project or an idea. The repository can be found here : List of Reseach Papers
I'll mention two really good repositories that will be really helpful as they have compiled a lot of resources. Check these out.
Word of Caution/Advice : Just stick to one thing at a time. Don’t try to do too much at once !
Apart from that, many popular ML frameworks have some really good tutorials :