Example site to perform Automation testing task:
Step 1:
- Clone the Project
Step 2:
- In a terminal, run the following command from the project root (PT-TEST)
npm install
Step 3:
- Test Run In Cypress Test Runner :
- Run the following command from the project root (PT-TEST/)
.\node_modules\.bin\cypress open
- Click to run integration test spec
- Alternatively test can be run in commandline on headless mode as well:
- Run the command
npm test
Test Outcome:
Spec | Tests | Passing Failing Pending Skipped
✔ buying-process.feature 00:33 | 1 1 - - - │
| All specs passed! 00:33 | 1 1 - - -
- Screenshot can be found in the location: PT-Test/cypress/screenshots/buying-process.feature/buying-process-e2e-test-finalCartImage.png
- Test Reporting can be improved by integrating with a third party test reporting libraries.