Hello! 👋 Welcome to MyCalculator, a simple calculator app developed using Kotlin in Android Studio. This basic app allows you to perform essential arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with ease.
This application was built using:
- Android Studio Koala version 2024.1.1 Patch 2
- Gradle version 8.7
If you're using different versions of these tools, some adjustments may be required for compatibility.
When you open the app, you’ll be greeted by a straightforward and user-friendly interface, making it easy to perform calculations.
1. Addition
Perform quick addition operations between two numbers.
2. Subtraction
Effortlessly subtract one number from another.
3. Multiplication
Carry out multiplication with ease.
4. Division
Perform division operations, making sure not to divide by zero! 😄
Ready to use MyCalculator? Here’s how to get it up and running: 1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine. Make sure you have the same versions of Android Studio and Gradle as mentioned above. 2. Create a New Project: Alternatively, create a new project in Android Studio, selecting "Empty Views Activity." 3. Add the Necessary Files: You’ll primarily work with the following files:
- In
- In
This is just the beginning! 🚀 Future updates will include more advanced mathematical operations and features like history and memory functions. Stay tuned for these exciting additions.
Feel free to explore, modify, or improve the code. If you have any suggestions or feature requests, I’d love to hear them! Let’s work together to make MyCalculator even better.
Thanks for stopping by, and happy calculating! 😊