SQLAlchemy was getting annoying so I have now made my own MySQL ORM(work in project btw). The idea is to get basic SQL commands working. Currently can make tables and columns. PyPi code: https://pypi.org/project/YassaAlchemy/
Just look at this code:
#this is a test page
import YassaAlchemy #import library
db = YassaAlchemy.table(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="new_password",database="yassadb")
#create instance of YassaAlchemy
#make sure a database is created and insert
#the neccesary credentials
class Users:
#make static class
#class for Users
def create(db):
#connect to db
db.mk_table("Users")#name the table
db.mk_column("Username","VARCHAR(500)")#column one(Username) and type of data(Varchar)
db.mk_column("Password","VARCHAR(500)")#column two(Password) and type of data(Varchar)
db.publish_db()#commit changes
Users.create(db) #create User's table
Clone repo. Delete test.py as it is simply starter code(or don't). Make sure MySQL,python and the MySQL.connector are all installed.
I have no time so please help me.
To find out what to do check over at projects