Algorithmica is an open-access web book dedicated to the art and science of computing.
You can contribute via Prose by clicking on the pencil icon on the top right on any page or by editing its source directly on GitHub. We use a slightly different Markdown dialect, so if you are not sure that the change is correct (e. g. editing an intricate LaTeX formula), you can install Hugo and build the site locally — or just create a pull request, and a preview link will be automatically generated for you.
If you happen to speak Russian, please also read the contributing guidelines.
Key technical changes from the previous version:
- pandoc -> Hugo
- CSS -> Sass
- Github Pages -> Netlify
- Yandex.Metrica ->
Google Analyticswent back to Metrica -{lang}/* -> {lang}*
- Rich metadata support (language, sections, TOCs, authors...)
- Automated global table of contents
- Theming support
- Search support (Lunr)
Short-term todo list:
- Style adjustments for mobile and print versions
- A pdf version of the whole website
- Meta-information support (for Google Scholar and social media)
- Sticky table of contents