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The MBESS R package, now on GitHub beginning with version 4.8.0.
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yelleKneK committed Aug 4, 2020
1 parent 2996521 commit d21525d
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Showing 204 changed files with 18,472 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .Rbuildignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Package: MBESS
Type: Package
Title: The MBESS R Package
Version: 4.8.0
Date: 2020-08-04
Authors@R: c(person("Ken", "Kelley", role=c("aut", "cre"), email=""))
Maintainer: Ken Kelley <>
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), stats
Imports: boot, gsl, lavaan, MASS, methods, mnormt, nlme, OpenMx, parallel, sem, semTools
Description: Implements methods that useful in designing research studies and analyzing data, with
particular emphasis on methods that are developed for or used within the behavioral,
educational, and social sciences (broadly defined). That being said, many of the methods
implemented within MBESS are applicable to a wide variety of disciplines. MBESS has a
suite of functions for a variety of related topics, such as effect sizes, confidence intervals
for effect sizes (including standardized effect sizes and noncentral effect sizes), sample size
planning (from the accuracy in parameter estimation [AIPE], power analytic, equivalence, and
minimum-risk point estimation perspectives), mediation analysis, various properties of
distributions, and a variety of utility functions. MBESS (pronounced 'em-bes') was originally
an acronym for 'Methods for the Behavioral, Educational, and Social Sciences,' but at this
point MBESS contains methods applicable and used in a wide variety of fields and is an
orphan acronym, in the sense that what was an acronym is now literally its name. MBESS has
greatly benefited from others, see <> for a detailed
list of those that have contributed and other details.
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
RoxygenNote: 6.0.0
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions MBESS.Rproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Version: 1.0

RestoreWorkspace: Default
SaveWorkspace: Default
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default

EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8

RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX

BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
exportPattern("^[^\\.]") # Exports all functions not beginning with a period.
importFrom("grDevices", "", "jpeg", "pdf", "postscript",
importFrom("graphics", "abline", "arrows", "legend", "lines", "par",
"persp", "plot", "points", "rect", "segments", "text",
importFrom("stats", "anova", "coef", "cor", "cov", "cov2cor", "fitted",
"integrate", "lm", "median", "na.omit", "nlm", "optim",
"optimize", "pchisq", "pf", "pnorm", "pt", "qchisq", "qf",
"qnorm", "qt", "quantile", "resid", "rnorm", "sd", "var",
"weighted.mean", "model.frame")
importFrom("utils", "capture.output", "read.table", "write.table")
Binary file added R/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions R/CFA.1.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
CFA.1 <- function(S, N, equal.loading = FALSE, equal.error = FALSE, package = "lavaan", se = "standard", ...)
if (!isSymmetric(S, tol = 1e-05)) stop("Input a symmetric covariance or correlation matrix 'S'")
q <- nrow(S)

if (package == "sem")
if(!requireNamespace("sem", quietly = TRUE)) stop("The package 'sem' is needed; please install the package and try again (or use set 'package' to 'lavaan'.")

x <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = 1)
x <- paste("x", row(x), sep = "")

if (equal.loading) {
lamda <- matrix(rep("lamda", q), nrow = q, ncol = 1)
} else {
lamda <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = 1)
lamda <- paste("lamda", row(lamda), sep = "")

if (equal.error) {
psi.sq <- matrix(rep("psi.sq", q), nrow = q, ncol = 1)
} else {
psi.sq <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = 1)
psi.sq <- paste("psi.sq", row(psi.sq), sep = "")

model.1 <- cbind(paste("ksi", "->", x), lamda)
model.2 <- cbind(paste(x, "<->", x), psi.sq)
model <- rbind(model.1, model.2)
start <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(model), ncol = 1)
model <- cbind(model, start)
model <- rbind(model, c(paste("ksi", "<->", "ksi"), NA, 1))
class(model) <- "mod"

rownames(S) <- x
colnames(S) <- x
model.fitted <- sem::sem(model, S, N)
converged <- model.fitted$convergence
if (converged) {
if (equal.loading)
k <- 1 else k <- q
Factor.Loadings <- model.fitted$coeff[1:k]
if (equal.error)
m <- 1 else m <- q
Indicator.var <- model.fitted$coeff[k + 1:m]
Parameter.cov <- model.fitted$vcov
} else {
Factor.Loadings <- NA
Indicator.var <- NA
Parameter.cov <- NULL
result <- list(Model = model, Factor.Loadings = Factor.Loadings, Indicator.var = Indicator.var, Parameter.cov = Parameter.cov, converged = converged, package="sem")

if (package == "lavaan")
if(!requireNamespace("lavaan", quietly = TRUE)) stop("The package 'lavaan' is needed; please install the package and try again.")

colnames(S) <- rownames(S) <- paste("y", 1:q, sep = "")

if (equal.loading) {
loadingName <- rep("a1", q)
} else {
loadingName <- paste("a", 1:q, sep = "")

if (equal.error) {
errorName <- rep("b1", q)
} else {
errorName <- paste("b", 1:q, sep = "")
model <- "f1 =~ NA*y1 + "
loadingLine <- paste(paste(loadingName, "*", colnames(S), sep = ""), collapse = " + ")
factorLine <- "f1 ~~ 1*f1\n"
errorLine <- paste(paste(colnames(S), " ~~ ", errorName, "*", colnames(S),
sep = ""), collapse = "\n")
model <- paste(model, loadingLine, "\n", factorLine, errorLine, "\n")
try(fit <- lavaan::lavaan(model, sample.cov = S, sample.nobs = N, se = se, ...), silent = TRUE)

converged <- fit@Fit@converged
loading <- unique(as.vector(fit@Model@GLIST$lambda))
error <- unique(diag(fit@Model@GLIST$theta))
if (!all(error > 0))
converged <- FALSE
if (converged) {
if (se == "none") {
paramCov <- NULL
} else {
paramCov <- lavaan::vcov(fit)
} else {
loading <- NA
error <- NA
if (se == "none") {
paramCov <- NULL
} else {
paramCov <- NA
result <- list(Model = model, Factor.Loadings = loading, Indicator.var = error,
Parameter.cov = paramCov, converged = converged, package="lavaan")

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/Expected.R2.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Expected.R2 <- function(Population.R2, N, p)
if(!requireNamespace("gsl", quietly = TRUE)) stop("The package 'gsl' is needed; please install the package and try again.")

Value <- 1 - ((N-p-1)/(N-1))*(1-Population.R2)*gsl::hyperg_2F1(1, 1, .5*(N+1), Population.R2)
Value <- max(0, Value)
Value <- min(Value, 1)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions R/F2Rsquare.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"F2Rsquare" <-
function(F.value=NULL, df.1=NULL, df.2=NULL)
if(is.null(df.1) | is.null(df.2)) stop("You have not specified \'df.1\' and/or \'df.2\'.")
return(F.value*df.1/(F.value*df.1 + df.2))
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions R/Lambda2Rsquare.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Lambda2Rsquare" <-
function(Lambda=NULL, N=NULL)
if(is.null(Lambda) | is.null(N)) stop("You must specify \'Lambda\' (i.e., a noncentral parameter) and \'N\' (i.e., sample size) in order to calculate the noncentraility paramter.")
return(Lambda/(Lambda + N))
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions R/Rsquare2F.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Rsquare2F" <-
function(R2=NULL, df.1=NULL, df.2=NULL, p=NULL, N=NULL)
if(is.null(df.1) & is.null(df.2) & !is.null(N) & !is.null(p))
df.1 <- p
df.2 <- N-p-1
if(is.null(df.1) | is.null(df.2)) stop("You have not specified \'df.1\', \'df.2\', \'N\', and/or \'p\' correctly.")
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions R/Rsquare2Lambda.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Rsquare2Lambda" <-
function(R2=NULL, N=NULL)
if(is.null(R2) | is.null(N)) stop("You must specify \'R2\' (i.e., R Square) and \'N\' (i.e., sample size) in order to calculate the noncentraility paramter.")
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions R/Sigma.2.SigmaStar.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Sigma.2.SigmaStar<- function(model, model.par, latent.var, discrep, ML=TRUE){

if(is.null(names(model.par))) stop("The elements in 'model.par' must have names")
if(sum( !=0) stop ("Some of the elements in 'model.par' do not have names")
if(length(unique(names(model.par))) != length(model.par)) stop("More than one element in 'model.par' has the same name")

duplication.matrix <- function (n = 1)
if ((n < 1) | (round(n) != n))
stop("n must be a positive integer")
d <- matrix(0, n * n, n * (n + 1)/2)
count = 0
for (j in 1:n) {
d[(j - 1) * n + j, count + j] = 1
if (j < n) {
for (i in (j + 1):n) {
d[(j - 1) * n + i, count + i] <- 1
d[(i - 1) * n + j, count + i] <- 1
count = count + n - j

vech<-function (x)
if (!is.square.matrix(x))
stop("argument x is not a square numeric matrix")

is.square.matrix<-function (x)
if (!is.matrix(x))
stop("argument x is not a matrix")
return(nrow(x) == ncol(x))

matrix.trace<-function (x)
if (!is.square.matrix(x))
stop("argument x is not a square matrix")

t<- length(model.par)
r<- length(latent.var)
T <- rep(0, t)
R <- rep(0, r)
#for(i in 1:t){
# T[i]<- sum(na.omit(unique(model[,2])==names(model.par)[i]))
# }
#if(sum(T) != t) stop ("Some elements in 'model.par' have not been included in 'model'")

gamma0<- model.par
res<-theta.2.Sigma.theta(model=model, theta=gamma0, latent.vars=latent.var)
Sigma.gamma0<- res$Sigma.theta
q <- res$t # No. of model parameters
p <- res$n # No. of manifest variables <- p*(p+1)/2

D.mat <- duplication.matrix(p)
#D.mat.MPinv <- invgen(D.mat)
#K <- t(D.mat.MPinv)
D <- t(D.mat)%*%D.mat
if(isTRUE(ML)) W <- Sigma.gamma0
W.inv <- solve(W)

h<- 1e-8
Sigma.deriv<- array(NA, c(p,p,q))
B <- matrix(NA,, q)
for (i in 1:q){
u <- matrix(0, q,1)
gamma<- gamma0+u*h
res.h<-theta.2.Sigma.theta(model=model, theta=gamma, latent.vars=latent.var)
Sigma.gamma <- res.h$Sigma.theta
Sigma.deriv[,,i] <- (Sigma.gamma-Sigma.gamma0)*(1/h)
B[,i]<- (-1)*D%*%vech(W.inv%*%Sigma.deriv[,,i]%*%W.inv)

y <- matrix(,,1)
B.qr<- qr(B)
e.tilt <- qr.resid(B.qr, y)

E1 <- matrix(0, p,p)
for (i2 in 1:p){
for(i1 in i2:p){
E1[i1, i2]<- e.tilt[index,1]

E2 <- matrix(0, p,p)
index <- 1
for (i1 in 1:p){
for (i2 in i1:p){
E2[i1, i2]<- e.tilt[index, 1]
index <- index+1

E.tilt <- E1+E2-diag(diag(E1))

#E.tilt[upper.tri(E.tilt)]<- E.tilt[lower.tri(E.tilt)]

#E.tilt <- matrix(0, p,p)
#E.tilt[lower.tri(E.tilt, diag=TRUE)]<- e.tilt
#E.diag<- diag(E.tilt)
#E.tilt <- E.tilt+t(E.tilt)-E.diag

G <- W.inv %*% E.tilt
get.kappa <- function(kappa, G, I, delta){
target<-abs(kappa*matrix.trace(G) - log(det(I+kappa*G))-delta)

kappa0 <- sqrt(2*delta/matrix.trace(G%*%G))
I <- diag(p)
res.kappa<- suppressWarnings(nlm(get.kappa, kappa0, G=G, I=I, delta=delta))
kappa <- res.kappa$estimate
iter<- res.kappa$iterations

E <- kappa*E.tilt <-Sigma.gamma0+E

result <- list()
result$Sigma_theta <-Sigma.gamma0
#result$B <-B
#result$E.tilt <-E.tilt
result$E <-E
#result$kappa0 <- kappa0
#result$kappa <- kappa
#result$iter <- iter
#result$diag.E1<- diag(E1)
#result$diag.E2 <- diag(E2)
}#end of Sigma.2.SigmaStar<- function()
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions R/Variance.R2.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Variance.R2 <- function(Population.R2, N, p)
if(!requireNamespace("gsl", quietly = TRUE)) stop("The package 'gsl' is needed; please install the package and try again.")

return((((N-p-1)*(N-p+1))/(N^2-1))*((1-Population.R2)^2)*(gsl::hyperg_2F1(2, 2, .5*(N+3), Population.R2)) - ((Expected.R2(Population.R2=Population.R2, N=N, p=p) - 1)^2))

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