- Target image (T)
- Image database (B)
- Method for capturing feature (Feature type) (F)
- Distance metrics to compare feature from two images(D(Ft,Fi))
- Sum of square distance
- Histogram intersection
- Desired number of output images N
- Compute the features Ft on the target image T
- Compute the features Fi on all the images in B
- Executing many queries with different target images
- Features are computed and stored in a CSV file and then used for many different target image
- Compute the distance of T from all the images in B using the distance metric D(Ft,Fi)
- Sort the images in B according to their distance from T and return the best N matches
Methods to find similar images:
- Baseline Matching
- 7x7 square in the middle of the image as feature vector
- Sum of square differences as the distance metric.
- Histogram Matching
- Single normalized color histogram. (2D) as feature vector.
- Whole image r,g chromaticity histogram using 16 bins for each r and g
- Whole image r,g chromaticity histogram using 8 bins for each r and g
- Histogram intersection as distance metric.
- Single normalized color histogram. (2D) as feature vector.
- Multi-Histogram Matching
- 2 color histogram as feature vector with 8 bins
- The histogram represents different spatial parts of the image.
- Overlapping
- Disjoint
- Histogram intersection as distance metrics and weighted averaging to combine the distances between the different histograms
- Texture and color
- Deep Network Embeddings
- Compare DNN embeddings and Classic features
- The program takes in target filename for T, directory of images as the database B, the feature type, matching method, and the number of images to return.
- The program prints the filename software the top N similar images.