If you’re a working software engineer, you’ve probably encountered with one of the toughest questions, where should I have lunch?
Lunch picker is the tool you’ll turn to to answer this question.
documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/3827865/SzezdXuc?version=latest
api url: https://www.lunch-picker-api.com/
react admin url: https://lunch-picker-admin.vercel.app/
username: admin@admin.com
password: admin
- install yarn
- install node (v16)
- install mongodb
$ yarn
// development
$ yarn run dev
// production
$ yarn run start
// run test case
$ yarn run test
// lint code
$ yarn run lint
// format code
$ yarn run format
// build images and start container in one line
docker-compose up -d --build
// go inside container
docker exec -it <containerId> /bin/bash
// check container logs
docker logs <containerId>
// remove and stop container
docker-compose down
open localhost:3000
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