Modern machines often have tens or even hundreds of CPU cores, and people deploy multiple services on the same machine using Kubernetes or other container orchestration systems. In such environments, RPC requests can avoid the overhead of serialization, deserialization, memory copying, and network costs. This project aims to explore this approach by co-designing clients and servers.
Currently, the project encodes Otel spans into shared memory, achieving more than 3 times performance improvement when transmitting 521 Otel spans. The next step is writing Otel spans directly to shared memory during their creation, completely avoiding encoding overhead.
On the Apple M3 Pro chip, sending 512(the default max_export_batch_size) OpenTelemetry spans takes more than 10 ms of wall time and 9 ms of CPU time. The otel-snitch takes less than 3 ms for the same task, providing over 3x performance improvement.
The next step is to write spans directly into shared memory, completely avoiding serialization costs.
install the minikube
build the images
docker build -t otel-snitch-rb ./otel-snitch-rb docker build -t otel-snitch-receiver ./snitch-receiver
start minikub and services
minikube start eval $(minikube docker-env) # for using local images minikube kubectl -- apply -f ./deploy/otel-snitch-rb.yml minikube kubectl -- apply -f ./deploy/otel-snitch-receiver.yml
login to otel-snitch-rb pod and run benchmarks
run baseline benchmark
OTEL_SNITCH_RECEIVER_ENDPOINT=http://otel-snitch-receiver-service:4318/v1/traces bundle exec ruby scripts/benchmark-otel.rb
run the otel-snitch benchmark
OTEL_SNITCH_DIR='/dev/shm' OTEL_SNITCH_RECEIVER_ENDPOINT=http://otel-snitch-receiver-service:8081/traces bundle exec ruby scripts/benchmark-otel-snitch.rb