A Chess Engine Enhanced with Transposition Tables, Move Ordering, Null Move Pruning, Aspiration Window, Alpha-Beta Pruning, Quiescence Search, and Opening Books.
I haven't yet had a chance to check the strength of the engine in objective measures, and haven't played against it myself yet, but I believe it to be stronger than what we call a club player.
The books are quite strong and the engine plays according to theory for about 15 to 20 moves in the opening.
In the first version of the engine, it couldn't have gone behind depth 3.
With the enchancements and improvements noted above, it can go behind depth 40 and quite possibly more in a relatively small time.
I developed this engine to better comprehend some concepts for the shogi engine that I will be building.
I do not plan to develop a user interface for this engine, however, I will implement a terminal interface to play against it.
I plan to develop a terminal interface for this engine to play against stronger engines such as Stockfish and Komodo.
I will probably not be further developing this engine after I make one last improvement, that is, the migration from simplified evaluation function to an improved version of PeSTO's evaluation function. However, if I come across more improvements while looking onto the forums, I might bring in further developments.
Huge shoutout to the Chess Programming Wiki.