TEXAS HOLDEM POKER - Bartosz Chrząszczak 2016-2017
Fully playable Texas Hold'em Poker game that implements almost all it's rules. Core program is build in javascript with html/css as graphic representation. This project uses a library created by me for my earlier project - Poker Hand Checker. There is also simple AI which may be a challange to amateur players. Some game aspects (like AI decisions speed, difficulty, amount of tokens etc.) can be customized using options menu. Design of page is fully responsive with support to devices as small as 320px wide.
Todo: /High priority
- check biding when some players went all in and add side pots (difficult)
- when two AI players have no tokens they still try to bid (loop)
- search for bugs
/Low priority
- add bet limits (limit: only one BB raise; pot-limit: from 2xBB to max of pot size(total bets placed at time); no-limit)
- log remake
- maybe add some animations for giving cards