A simple fine-tuning of the GPT2 model on the Shakespeare's novels and FastAPI-based service.
The best way to use is to setup a conda environment for the project and install it.
For training:
conda env create -f requirements/conda-environment.yaml && conda clean -q -y -a
Then install as:
pip install -e .
For fine-tuning a model with default parameters:
train_gpt2 -p gpt_finetune_shake_speare
Fine-tuned checkpoints can be found at OneDrive
For generation, use:
generate_gpt2 -p gpt_finetune_shake_speare -c gpt2s-4.pt -i "be or not to be?"
where gpt2s-4.pt is the name of the fine-tuned saved parameters dictionary.
Download checkpoint and place it into checkpoints folder in the directory root. Launch service with:
If initialization was successfull, you can use curl to get the generated text as:
curl -d '{"text":"be or not to be"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST