Implementation of Katz, Sagi, and Ayellet Tal. "Hierarchical mesh decomposition using fuzzy clustering and cuts." ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 22.3 (2003): 954-961.
Segments input 3D models into different pathes.
You dont need to install any dependencies. To install the package (in dev mode) run:
cd mesh_segmentation && pip install -e .
For basic binary segmentation run:
segment_mesh -i <path_to_ply.ply>
It will output a resulted file as "output_decompose.ply"
For multi-patches segmentation (currently ony binary recursive supported):
segment_mesh -i <path_to_ply.ply> -k <num_clusters>
For other options (e.g. setting an output dir, num threads):
segment_mesh -h
- Better fuzzy borders
- Real k-clustering
- Iterartive solver and visualizations from the paper
- python~=3.9