The Car Sharing Service project in Java, utilizing the Spring Framework, is a web application that models the functionality of a car rental service. This project encompasses essential components and features that enable users to rent, reserve, and manage vehicles. The application also integrates a Telegram chatbot for notifications about rented vehicles, as well as vehicles with expired or expiring rentals on the current day. A payment module has also been implemented.
User Registration and Authentication:
Users can create accounts, log into the
system, and access the service's functionality.
Telegram Notifications:
Managers and users can receive notifications via a
Telegram chatbot regarding rental expirations.
Viewing Available Cars:
Users can browse a list of available cars, with
information about the model, year of manufacture, rental cost, and more.
Renting Cars:
Users can select a specific car and rent it
immediately or for a specified date. The system calculates the rental cost based on
duration and other parameters.
Order Management:
Managers can view current and past orders.
Administrators possess special access rights for managing cars
(adding, editing, deleting), viewing and managing users, and orders.
• Programming Language: Java 17
• Framework: Spring
• Spring Boot 2.7.14
• Spring MVC 5.3.20
• Spring Security 5.6.10
• Spring Data JPA
• Telegram bot API 6.7.0
• Data Storage: Utilization of a relational database (MySQL) to store information about cars, users, and orders.
• Authentication and Authorization: Implementation of Spring Security to ensure user security, authentication, and authorization.
• Lombok: an annotation-based Java library that allows you to reduce boilerplate code.
• Mapstruct: a code generator that greatly simplifies the implementation of mappings between Java bean types based on a convention over configuration approach.
• Liquibase : ensures the application database is updated along with the application code by using Spring Boot autoconfiguration and features.
• Swagger ui: allows development team to visualize and interact with the APIs resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.
• Docker: an open-source centralized platform designed to create, deploy, and run applications.
• Jackson Databind: to convert JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
• MySQL 8.0.22: Relational Database Management System
Endpoint description:
POST/login - login user
POST/register - register new user
POST/cars - create new car
GET/cars/ - get all cars
GET/cars/{id} - get car by ID
PUT/cars/{id} - update car by ID
DELETE/cars/{id} - delete car by ID
GET/payments - get payment by user ID
POST/payments - create payment
GET/payments/cancel - handle cancel payment
GET/payments/success - handle success payment
PUT/users/{id}/role - update role
GET/users/me - get user
PUT/users/me - update user
GET/rentals/{id} - get rental by ID
GET/rentals?user_id - get actual rental by user ID
POST/rentals - create new rental
- Install Docker if you don't have (here is the link
) - Clone the repository from GitHub
- Create a
file with the necessary environment variables.(as an example for filling -.env.sample
) - Run
mvn clean package
command - Run
docker-compose up --build
command to build and start the Docker containers - The application should be running at
. You can test the operation of the application using swaggerhttp://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html#/
The Car Sharing Service project in Java Spring demonstrates the basic functionality of a car rental service. It can serve as a starting point for further development and expansion, including adding new features, enhancing the user interface, and optimizing performance.