YODAOS product for the raspberry 3b+ with Seeed audio board.
- Raspberry 3b+ Devboard
- ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for Raspberry Pi Seeed board
- 5V 2000mA mini USB power
$ cd ./openwrt
$ cp ../products/yodaos/rbpi-3b-plus/configs/broadcom_bcm2710_rpi3b_plus_defconfig .config
$ make defconfig && make
- follow the above steps.
- find
. - flush the above
file to SD Card and insert to raspberry. - reboot the system.
To use the Rokid's speech service, developers need to register an account at https://developer.rokid.com, and register SN and seed number and configure your skills by following steps:
$ setprop ro.boot.serialno <SN>
$ setprop ro.boot.rokidseed <Device seed>
$ /etc/init.d/vui-daemon restart
- YODAOS Website: https://yodaos.rokid.com
- Raspberry: https://www.raspberrypi.org
- Seeed Studio: http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/ReSpeaker_4_Mic_Array_for_Raspberry_Pi/
Apache 2.0