YodaOS is Yet another Linux Distribution for voice-enabled IoT and embrace Web standards, thus it uses JavaScript as the main application/scripting language.
To start with YodaOS, a Linux or MacOS is required to build the image.
For Ubuntu:
$ apt-get install build-essential subversion libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk gcc-multilib flex git-core gettext libssl-dev unzip texinfo device-tree-compiler dosfstools libusb-1.0-0-dev
For MacOS, you need to install some GNU tools which the openwrt is required:
$ brew install gnu-tar gnu-getopt findutils m4
Linux source tree requires a case-sensitive file system, make sure your workspace is APFS (case-sensitive) before you start.
The openwrt check gnu-getopt version via the gnugetopt
command name, so the following link is also required:
$ ln -sf $(brew list gnu-getopt | grep bin) /usr/local/bin/gnugetopt
$ git clone git@github.com:yodaos-project/yodaos.git
$ ./configure -p rpi -c rpi3b_plus
$ make -C openwrt # build under the openwrt directory
The configure
command is to select which board that you were to build:
board | product |
Raspberry 3b plus | raspberry |
Kamino18 | kamino18 |
Go compile & run for more details.
YodaOS is a community-driven project that we accepts any improved proposals, pull requests and issues.
- For JavaScript development, go [yodart][] for details.
- For proposal, yodaos-project/evolution is the place where someone can submit pull request to propose something.
Apache 2.0