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feat(CategoryTheory/Shift/Adjunction): commutation with shifts and ad…
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…junctions, part 2 (leanprover-community#20273)

Given categories `C` and `D` that have shifts by an additive group `A`, functors `F : C ⥤ D` and `G : C ⥤ D`, an adjunction `F ⊣ G` and a `CommShift` structure on `G`, this file constructs a `CommShift` structure on `F`. This is a sequel to PR leanprover-community#20033, which was doing the construction in the other direction.
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smorel394 committed Jan 1, 2025
1 parent 9419c03 commit 504007f
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 16 deletions.
117 changes: 101 additions & 16 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Adjunction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.Mates
Given categories `C` and `D` that have shifts by an additive group `A`, functors `F : C ⥤ D`
and `G : C ⥤ D`, an adjunction `F ⊣ G` and a `CommShift` structure on `F`, this file constructs
a `CommShift` structure on `G`. As an easy application, if `E : C ≌ D` is an equivalence and
`E.functor` has a `CommShift` structure, we get a `CommShift` structure on `E.inverse`.
The `CommShift` structure on `G` must be compatible with the one on `F` in the following sense
(cf. `Adjunction.CommShift`):
a `CommShift` structure on `G`. We also do the construction in the other direction: given a
`CommShift` structure on `G`, we construct a `CommShift` structure on `G`; we could do this
using opposite categories, but the construction is simple enough that it is not really worth it.
As an easy application, if `E : C ≌ D` is an equivalence and `E.functor` has a `CommShift`
structure, we get a `CommShift` structure on `E.inverse`.
We now explain the construction of a `CommShift` structure on `G` given a `CommShift` structure
on `F`; the other direction is similar. The `CommShift` structure on `G` must be compatible with
the one on `F` in the following sense (cf. `Adjunction.CommShift`):
for every `a` in `A`, the natural transformation `adj.unit : 𝟭 C ⟶ G ⋙ F` commutes with
the isomorphism `shiftFunctor C A ⋙ G ⋙ F ≅ G ⋙ F ⋙ shiftFunctor C A` induces by
`F.commShiftIso a` and `G.commShiftIso a`. We actually require a similar condition for
Expand All @@ -37,9 +41,6 @@ Once we have established all this, the compatibility of the commutation isomorph
`F` expressed in `` and `CommShift.add` immediately implies the similar
statements for the commutation isomorphisms for `G`.
TODO: Construct a `CommShift` structure on `F` from a `CommShift` structure on `G`, using
opposite categories.

namespace CategoryTheory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,12 +143,13 @@ lemma compatibilityUnit_unique_right (h : CompatibilityUnit adj e₁ e₂)
/-- Given an adjunction `adj : F ⊣ G`, `a` in `A` and commutation isomorphisms
`e₁ : shiftFunctor C a ⋙ F ≅ F ⋙ shiftFunctor D a` and
`e₂ : shiftFunctor D a ⋙ G ≅ G ⋙ shiftFunctor C a`, if `e₁` and `e₂` are compatible with the
counit of the adjunction `adj`, then `e₂` uniquely determines `e₁`.
unit of the adjunction `adj`, then `e₂` uniquely determines `e₁`.
lemma compatibilityCounit_unique_left (h : CompatibilityCounit adj e₁ e₂)
(h' : CompatibilityCounit adj e₁' e₂) : e₁ = e₁' := by
lemma compatibilityUnit_unique_left (h : CompatibilityUnit adj e₁ e₂)
(h' : CompatibilityUnit adj e₁' e₂) : e₁ = e₁' := by
rw [compatibilityCounit_left adj e₁ e₂ h, compatibilityCounit_left adj e₁' e₂ h']
rw [compatibilityCounit_left adj e₁ e₂ (compatibilityCounit_of_compatibilityUnit adj _ _ h),
compatibilityCounit_left adj e₁' e₂ (compatibilityCounit_of_compatibilityUnit adj _ _ h')]

The isomorphisms `Functor.CommShift.isoZero F` and `Functor.CommShift.isoZero G` are
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,8 +273,7 @@ lemma iso_hom_app (X : D) :
( ((shiftFunctorCompIsoId D a b
(by rw [← add_left_inj a, add_assoc, h, zero_add, add_zero])) X))⟦a⟧' := by
obtain rfl : b = -a := by rw [← add_left_inj a, h, neg_add_cancel]
simp [iso, iso']
simp [iso, iso', shiftEquiv']

lemma iso_inv_app (Y : D) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,12 +328,12 @@ the unique compatible `CommShift` structure on `G`.
noncomputable def rightAdjointCommShift [F.CommShift A] : G.CommShift A where
iso a := iso adj a
zero := by
refine CommShift.compatibilityUnit_unique_right adj (F.commShiftIso 0) _ _
refine CommShift.compatibilityUnit_unique_right adj (F.commShiftIso 0) _ _
(compatibilityUnit_iso adj 0) ?_
rw [F.commShiftIso_zero]
exact CommShift.compatibilityUnit_isoZero adj
add a b := by
refine CommShift.compatibilityUnit_unique_right adj (F.commShiftIso (a + b)) _ _
refine CommShift.compatibilityUnit_unique_right adj (F.commShiftIso (a + b)) _ _
(compatibilityUnit_iso adj (a + b)) ?_
rw [F.commShiftIso_add]
exact CommShift.compatibilityUnit_isoAdd adj _ _ _ _
Expand All @@ -348,6 +349,90 @@ lemma commShift_of_leftAdjoint [F.CommShift A] :
simpa only [Functor.commShiftIso_id_hom_app, Functor.comp_obj, Functor.id_obj, id_comp,
Functor.commShiftIso_comp_hom_app] using RightAdjointCommShift.compatibilityUnit_iso adj a X

namespace LeftAdjointCommShift

variable {A} (a b : A) (h : a + b = 0) [G.CommShift A]

/-- Auxiliary definition for `iso`. -/
noncomputable def iso' : shiftFunctor C a ⋙ F ≅ F ⋙ shiftFunctor D a :=
(conjugateIsoEquiv (Adjunction.comp adj (shiftEquiv' D a b h).toAdjunction)
(Adjunction.comp (shiftEquiv' C a b h).toAdjunction adj)).invFun (G.commShiftIso b)

Given an adjunction `F ⊣ G` and a `CommShift` structure on `G`, these are the candidate
`CommShift.iso a` isomorphisms for a compatible `CommShift` structure on `F`.
noncomputable def iso : shiftFunctor C a ⋙ F ≅ F ⋙ shiftFunctor D a :=
iso' adj _ _ (add_neg_cancel a)

lemma iso_hom_app (X : C) :
(iso adj a) X = (( X)⟦a⟧') ≫ ( (((shiftFunctorCompIsoId D a b h) (F.obj X)))⟦a⟧') ≫ (((G.commShiftIso b) ((F.obj X)⟦a⟧))⟦a⟧') ≫ ((shiftFunctorCompIsoId C b a (by simp [eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero_left h]))
(G.obj ((F.obj X)⟦a⟧))) ≫ ((F.obj X)⟦a⟧) := by
obtain rfl : b = -a := eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero_right h
simp [iso, iso', shiftEquiv']

lemma iso_inv_app (Y : C) :
(iso adj a) Y = ( ((shiftFunctorCompIsoId C a b h) Y))⟦a⟧' ≫
( (( (Y⟦a⟧))⟦b⟧'))⟦a⟧' ≫ ( ((G.commShiftIso b)
(F.obj (Y⟦a⟧))))⟦a⟧' ≫ ( ((F.obj (Y⟦a⟧))⟦b⟧))⟦a⟧' ≫
(shiftFunctorCompIsoId D b a (by simp [eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero_left h]))
(F.obj (Y⟦a⟧)) := by
obtain rfl : b = -a := eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero_right h
simp [iso, iso', shiftEquiv']

The commutation isomorphisms of `Adjunction.LeftAdjointCommShift.iso` are compatible with
the unit of the adjunction.
lemma compatibilityUnit_iso (a : A) :
CommShift.CompatibilityUnit adj (iso adj a) (G.commShiftIso a) := by
rw [LeftAdjointCommShift.iso_hom_app adj _ _ (add_neg_cancel a)]
simp only [Functor.id_obj, Functor.comp_obj, Functor.map_shiftFunctorCompIsoId_inv_app,
Functor.map_comp, assoc, unit_naturality_assoc, right_triangle_components_assoc]
slice_rhs 4 5 => rw [← Functor.map_comp, Iso.inv_hom_id_app]
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, Functor.map_id, id_comp]
rw [shift_shiftFunctorCompIsoId_inv_app, ← Functor.comp_map,
(shiftFunctorCompIsoId C _ _ (neg_add_cancel a)).hom.naturality_assoc]

end LeftAdjointCommShift

open LeftAdjointCommShift in
Given an adjunction `F ⊣ G` and a `CommShift` structure on `G`, this constructs
the unique compatible `CommShift` structure on `F`.
noncomputable def leftAdjointCommShift [G.CommShift A] : F.CommShift A where
iso a := iso adj a
zero := by
refine CommShift.compatibilityUnit_unique_left adj _ _ (G.commShiftIso 0)
(compatibilityUnit_iso adj 0) ?_
rw [G.commShiftIso_zero]
exact CommShift.compatibilityUnit_isoZero adj
add a b := by
refine CommShift.compatibilityUnit_unique_left adj _ _ (G.commShiftIso (a + b))
(compatibilityUnit_iso adj (a + b)) ?_
rw [G.commShiftIso_add]
exact CommShift.compatibilityUnit_isoAdd adj _ _ _ _
(compatibilityUnit_iso adj a) (compatibilityUnit_iso adj b)

lemma commShift_of_rightAdjoint [G.CommShift A] :
letI := adj.leftAdjointCommShift A
adj.CommShift A := by
letI := adj.leftAdjointCommShift A
refine' _ _ ⟨fun a ↦ ?_⟩
ext X
simpa only [Functor.commShiftIso_id_hom_app, Functor.comp_obj, Functor.id_obj, id_comp,
Functor.commShiftIso_comp_hom_app] using LeftAdjointCommShift.compatibilityUnit_iso adj a X

end Adjunction

namespace Equivalence
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