ZiFiorino is a web app implemented with React JS. The goal is to have a convenient and secure user friendly app in which to store your passwords without relying on third-party services. To delvelop ZiFiorino it's used two container, one for a Apache server and one for MySql.
It's possible to try it at the link https://zifiorino.altervista.org.
- Linux System or Windows WSL
- Docker
- Download the zip of the repository
- Unzip the file and open a terminal inside
- Execute
make build
make run
- Open a browser and go to localhost
If you want remove ZiFiorino, you can execute
make clean
- Create a docker network
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet zf-net
- Install Apache container
docker run -d --name zf-apache-php --net zf-net --ip -p 80:80 php:7.4-apache
- Run Apache container and enable mysqli
docker start zf-apache-php
docker exec -it zf-apache-php /bin/bash
# docker-php-ext-install mysqli
# docker-php-ext-enable mysqli
- Install MySql container
docker run --name zf-mysql --net zf-net --ip -p 3306:3306 -v mysql_volume:/var/lib/mysql/ -d -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" mysql
- Download the release, this is the structure:
├── backend
├── frontend-build
└── db_builder.sql
- Copy the content of 'frontend-build' in '/var/www/html' of the Apache container
- Execute the 'db_builder.sql' script in the MySql container
- Copy the 'backend' folder in '/var/www/html' of the Apache container
- Make sure that '$IP_ADDR' in the 'backend/config.php' file is the same of the MySql container
- Make sure that the ip addresse in the 'frontend-build/config.json' file is the same or your machine
- Open a browser and go to your machine ip address
- You may need to change the server ip address in the frontend/public/config.json file, otherwise you will only be able to use the app from the same machine where the server is installed
- The communication shoud be under HTTPS because the security of the communication is not guaranted
- If you don't want configure an HTTPS server with a SSL certificate you can adopt a VPN approach (for instance Wireguard)
- If you want access to ZiFiorino from the extern of your LAN network and you don't want expose your Apache server, you can use a VPN but you should have a static ip address for your machine. You can solve the static ip problem with the NoIp DNS service or similar.
The authentication is done at the login phase through username and password. The access password is stored in the MySql server in SHA 256 with salt, so if you forget the password you can't recover it. After the username and password verification, the server generates a JWT with following structure:
JWT = {
"username": "username",
"password": sha256("password"),
"exp": expiration_time
The JWT is signed by the server and it's sent to the client, the client have to insert the JWT in any request to prove its identity.
The SHA 256 without salt is used as the key to encrypt confidential data with the AES 256 algorithm, a different IV (initialization vector) is used for each element to be encrypted. In this way, all the confidential data in the database and backups are protected with symmetric encryption.
Gianluca Gemini, gianlucagemini98@gmail.com