Lucas is a program to that helps you to automate the control of your personal finances, saving you hours of transactions record entry, calculation, sheets editing, etc.
If you're using macos it's strongly recommended to set a virtual environment so you can still the modules using pip
# for practicity have this alias for python and pip in your .zshrc
alias python=python3
alias pip=pip3
# go to the dir ~/.local since all your config files should go there
cd ~/.local
# create the venv
python -m venv venv
# go to the venv dir
cd venv
# active the venv
source bin/activate
# deactive the venv
Once the environment is already activated go to the repository folder cd /path/to/lucas
and install the required modules
# in ~/path/to/lucas/ repository run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create your Gmail credentails, look the at the guide here
# 1. download the json file
# 2. move to the lucas local repository
mv ~/Downloads/credential_name.json /path/to/lucas/google_credentials.json