HTML Parser for PHP, with support for simple CSS Selectors !
A lots of tests are to write yet, for this library is still in development
- Document Parsing
- "to html" method (from objects to HTML document)
- DOM Manipulation
- Type selector (+ universal)
- Class selector
- Id selector
- Attribute selector (Minus column & namespaces ones)
- Combinator selectors
composer config repositories.repo-name vcs
composer require yonissavary/php-dom
$document = Node::makeDocument(file_get_contents($path));
echo $document->innerHTML();
foreach ($document->iterate() as $child)
echo "$child\n";
$links = $document->querySelectorAll("a[href]");
: nodes, texts, comments
interface HTMLElement
public function nodeName(): string;
public function innerText(): string;
public function innerHTML(): string;
public function setParent(HTMLElement &$parent);
public function parentNode(): ?NodeElement;
: html nodes with attributes (not necessarily containers, can be input for example)
interface NodeElement extends HTMLElement
public function id(): ?string;
public function classlist(): array;
public function setAttribute(string $key, mixed $value);
public function getAttribute(string $key): mixed;
public function hasAttribute(string $key): bool;
public function attributes(): array;
public function matches(string|array $selector): bool;
public function querySelector(string $selector): ?NodeElement;
public function querySelectorAll(string $selector): array;
public function appendChild(HTMLElement $node);
public function childNodes(): array;
/** @return \Generator|Node[] */
public function iterate();
public function previousSiblings(): array;
public function nextSiblings(): array;
public function previousSibling(): ?NodeElement;
public function nextSibling(): ?NodeElement;
public function getSiblings(bool $skipSelf=true): array;