Library for testing interactive Slack applications.
- Mock Slack API: user info, post and update message, publish view.
- Testing Slack UI in the home tab or in message blocks (button/input/etc.). No dependency on Slack API.
- Integration with GO testing library.
⚠️ This tool is still under heavy development! See our roadmap for help us⚠️
Slack has a great API for building interactive apps (, but no tools to test it. Via Slackster you can do it.
func TestSimple(t *testing.T) {
teamId := fmt.Sprintf("%v", time.Now().UnixNano())
client := slackster.NewClient("http://localhost:4000/api/slack/events", "http://localhost:4000/api/slack/actions", "your_secret_key", teamId)
if err := client.Start(":4999"); err != nil {
ID: "first",
Name: "First First",
IsAdmin: true,
ID: "second",
Name: "Second Second",
IsAdmin: false,
user := client.User(t, "first")
user.ClickByText(t, "Start button", true) // true for wait modal
user.SelectUserByText(t, "User select", "")
user.Type(t, "Input with label", "hello man") // type input text
secondUser := client.User(t, "second")
lastMessage := secondUser.Messages().Last()
assert.NotNil(t, lastMessage)
lastMessage.SearchByText(t, "hello man") // search text in received messages
And use http://localhost:4999 for fully mock Slack API
package main
import (
func main() {
api := slack.New("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", slack.OptionAPIURL("http://localhost:4999"))
Method | Description |
ClickByText(t *testing.T, text string, waitModal bool) | Find button with text and click on it. And wait modal if need be. |
SearchByText(t *testing.T, text string) interface{} | Find element with text, and return slack element ( |
Type(t *testing.T, searchText string, value string) interface{} | Find input with text, and type value. |
SubmitForm() | Submit view form. |
WaitHomeUpdate() | Wait any home update (publish view) |
ClickByActionId(t *testing.T, actionId string, value string, waitModal bool) | Find button by action, and click on it. |
SelectUserByText (t *testing.T, text string, user string) | Find user select by text in placeholder, and select user. |
SelectUsersByText (t *testing.T, text string, users []string) | Find multi user select by text in placeholder, and select users. |
SelectByText (t *testing.T, searchText string, value string) | Find select by text in placeholder, and select option by value |
Messages() Messages | Get a message for the user. Any message is a page with all the above methods |