RefineDet with VoVNet(CVPRW'19) Backbone Networks for Real-time Object Detection
This repository contains RefineDet with VoVNet Backbone Networks in the following paper An Energy and GPU-Computation Efficient Backbone Network for Real-Time Object Detection (CVPRW'19, oral)
- Memory & Energy efficient
- Better performance, especially for small objects
- Faster speed
- Get the code. We will call the cloned directory as
git clone
- Build the code. Please follow Caffe instruction to install all necessary packages and build it.
cd $RefineDet_ROOT
# Modify Makefile.config according to your Caffe installation.
# Make sure to include $RefineDet_ROOT/python to your PYTHONPATH.
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
make all -j && make py
Download VoVNet39-ImageNet. By default, we assume the model is stored in
. -
Follow the data/VOC0712/ to download VOC2007 and VOC2012 dataset and create the LMDB file for the VOC2007 training and testing.
Follow the data/VOC0712Plus/ to download VOC2007 and VOC2012 dataset and create the LMDB file for the VOC2012 training and testing.
Follow the data/coco/ to download MS COCO dataset and create the LMDB file for the COCO training and testing.
- Train your model on PASCAL VOC.
# It will create model definition files and save snapshot models in:
# - $RefineDet_ROOT/models/VoVNet/VOC0712{Plus}/refinedet_vovnet39_{size}x{size}/
# and job file, log file, and the python script in:
# - $RefineDet_ROOT/jobs/VoVNet/VOC0712{Plus}/refinedet_vovnet39_{size}x{size}/
python examples/refinedet/
python examples/refinedet/
- Train your model on COCO.
# It will create model definition files and save snapshot models in:
# - $RefineDet_ROOT/models/VoVNet/coco/refinedet_vovnet39_{size}x{size}/
# and job file, log file, and the python script in:
# - $RefineDet_ROOT/jobs/VoVNet/coco/refinedet_vovnet39_{size}x{size}/
python examples/refinedet/
python examples/refinedet/
- Build the Cython modules.
cd $RefineDet_ROOT/test/lib
make -j
Change the ‘self._devkit_path’ in
to yours. -
Change the ‘self._data_path’ in
to yours. -
Check out
on how to detect objects using the RefineDet model and how to plot detection results.
# For GPU users
python test/
# For CPU users
python test/ --gpu_id -1
- Evaluate the trained models via
# You can modify the parameters in for different types of evaluation:
# - single_scale: True is single scale testing, False is multi_scale_testing.
# - test_set: 'voc_2007_test', 'voc_2012_test', 'coco_2014_minival', 'coco_2015_test-dev'.
# - voc_path: where the trained voc caffemodel.
# - coco_path: where the trained voc caffemodel.
# For 'voc_2007_test' and 'coco_2014_minival', it will directly output the mAP results.
# For 'voc_2012_test' and 'coco_2015_test-dev', it will save the detections and you should submitted it to the evaluation server to get the mAP results.
python test/
PASCAL VOC models :
COCO models:
- trainval35k: VoVNet39-RefineDet320, VoVNet39-RefineDet512
Please cite our paper in your publications if it helps your research:
title = {An Energy and GPU-Computation Efficient Backbone Network for Real-Time Object Detection},
author = {Lee, Youngwan and Hwang, Joong-won and Lee, Sangrok and Bae, Yuseok and Park, Jongyoul},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops},
year = {2019}