is a command-line tool written in Go that generates a colored hex dump of a file. It supports custom width, line limits, and pattern highlighting, and it can output the result to a file.
- Display the hexadecimal representation of a file.
- Highlight specific byte patterns in the hex dump (e.g., "MZ" header).
- Set the width of each line and limit the number of lines.
- Save the hex dump to a file, without ANSI color codes.
To install the hexify tool, you can simply use the following commands.
go install -v "github.com/yourpwnguy/hexify/cmd/hexify@latest"
go install -v "github.com/yourpwnguy/hexify/cmd/hexify@latest"
# Do the below step only if your "~/go/bin" is not in PATH
cp ~/go/bin/refine /usr/local/bin/
Usage: hexify [options]
Options: [flag] [argument] [Description]
-f string Specify the input file to read data from.
-o string Specify the output file to write the hex dump to
-l int Specify the number of lines to print (default: all lines).
-w int Specify the number of hex bytes to print per line (default: 16).
-ha string Highlight a specific ASCII string pattern (default: 'MZ').
-h, --help Display this help message.
-v, --version Check current version
I know there are many hex dump tools available (especially gui ones), but here's why I created Hexify: I wanted to understand how hex dumpers work under the hood, and I noticed a lack of flexible, easy-to-use hex dump CLI tools for Windows. With Hexify
, you get a tool that’s simple, customizable, and designed to fit seamlessly into your workflow. Whether you're highlighting patterns, customizing output widths, or saving results to a file, Hexify
is built to give you the control you need, without the bloat.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.