A stub http server and request body recorder.
$ rebar3 compile
In rebar.config deps, have:
{stubby, {git, "git://github.com/yowcow/stubby", {branch, "master}}}
In testing, e.g., common tests, have:
init_per_suite(Config) ->
Url = stubby:start(),
[{url, Url} | Config].
end_per_suite(_) ->
ok = stubby:stop().
See src/stubby.erl for more options starting up a server.
In a testcase, make a request to stubby URL, then get the most recent request to the specified path with:
{ok, #{
headers := Headers,
scheme := Scheme,
host := Host,
port := Port,
path := Path,
qs := QueryString,
body := Body
}} = stubby:get_recent("/path/to/endopoint")
When no request is recorded yet, this call blocks until the first request is made.
By default, a booted stubby serves:
: always responds with status code 200/blackhole/[...]
: always responds with status code 204
Additional cowboy endpoints can be added as a start option:
{"/new/endpoint1", new_endpoint1_handler, []},
{"/new/endpoint2", new_endpoint2_handler, []}