LaME tool is a helper tool to evaluate the performance of LLMs for your personal usecases with the help of Human Evaluation and Automatic Evaluation through LLMs (Coming Soon). You can deploy the application on your local machine to first generate the necessary responses for a given prompt with different LLMs (Propietary or OpenSource) and then evaluate the responses with the help of human evaluators. You can setup the human evaluation UI through the admin panel. Realtime Insights and Analytics are also provided to help you understand the performance of the LLMs.
- Admin Panel: Setup the Human Evaluation UI and manage the human evaluators.
- Realtime Insights and Analytics: Get insights and analytics on the performance of the LLMs.
- Human Evaluation: Evaluate the responses of the LLMs with the help of human evaluators.
- Automatic Evaluation: Evaluate the responses of the LLMs with the help of LLMs (Coming Soon).
- Multiple Model Support: Generate responses for a given prompt with different LLMs (Propietary or OpenSource(Ollama)).
- Python 3.6 or higher
- Docker (Optional)
Step 1: Pull the docker image from the docker hub
docker pull jaseci/slam-tool:latest
docker build -t jaseci/slam-tool:latest .
Step 2: add the following environment variables to the container to setup the admin panel
docker run -p 8501:8501 -e SLAM_ADMIN_USERNAME=<user_name> -e SLAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> jaseci/slam-tool:latest
Step 3: Open the browser and go to the following link
Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone && cd slam
Step 2: Create a virtual environment (Optional)
conda create -n slam-tool python=3.11 -y
conda activate slam-tool
Step 3: Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4: Setup the environment variables
export SLAM_ADMIN_USERNAME=<user_name>
export SLAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>
Step 5: Run the application
streamlit run
If you want to use the generate responses feature, you need to setup the LLMs.
Step 1: Setup the LLMs
If you are using OpenAI's GPT-4, you need to setup the API key.
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<api_key>
If you are using the Ollama's LLMs, You need to have the ollama installed and ollama server running.
curl | sh
ollama serve
Step 2: Run the Query Engine
uvicorn query_engine:app --reload
Step 3: Environment Variables (Optional)
export ACTION_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8000/
export OLLAMA_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:11434/
We are open to contributions. Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.