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Fair Dummies: Achieving Equalized Odds by Resampling Sensitive Attributes

This package implements "Fair Dummies": a flexible framework [1] for learning predictive models that approximately satisfy the equalized odds notion of fairness. This is achieved by introducing a general discrepancy function that rigorously quantifies violations of this criterion, formulating a differentiable penalty that drives the model parameters towards equalized odds.

To rigorously evaluate fitted models, we also implement a formal hypothesis test to detect when a prediction rule violates the equalized odds property. Both the model fitting and hypothesis testing leverage a resampled version of the sensitive attribute obeying the equalized odds property by construction.

Lastly, we demonstrate how to incorporate techniques for equitable uncertainty quantification---unbiased for each protected group---to precisely communicate the results of the data analysis.

[1] Y. Romano, S. Bates, and E. J. Candès, “Achieving Equalized Odds by Resampling Sensitive Attributes.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.

Getting Started

The implementation of [1] is self-contained and written in python.


Please refer to synthetic_experiment.ipynb for basic usage. The notebooks real_classification_experiment.ipynb and real_regression_experiment.ipynb demonstrate how to use the software package on real data.

Comparisons to competitive methods and additional usage examples of this package can be found in and

Further information and dependencies

This package also implemets:

[2] B. H. Zhang, B. Lemoine, and M. Mitchell, "Mitigating unwanted biases with adversarial learning." In Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 335-340, 2018.

[3] J. Mary, C. Calauzènes, and N. El Karoui, "Fairness-aware learning for continuous attributes and treatments." ICML, 2019


[4] Y. Romano, E. Patterson, and E. J. Candès, “Conformalized quantile regression.” NeurIPS 2019.

[5] Y. Romano, R. F. Barber, C. Sabbatti and E. J. Candès, “With malice towards none: Assessing uncertainty via equalized coverage.” HDSR 2019.


  • python
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • scikit-garden
  • pytorch
  • pandas


The development version is available here on github:

git clone

Reproducible Research

The code available under synthetic_experiment.ipynb,, and in the repository replicates all experimental results in [1].

Publicly Available Datasets

Data subject to copyright/usage rules

The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MPES) data can be downloaded by following this explanation (code provided by IBM's AIF360).

  • MEPS_21: Medical expenditure panel survey, panel 21.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.