title | author | date | output |
Exploratory Graphing Project 2 |
Yilmaz Rona |
September 20, 2015 |
html_document |
This is the submission for Project 2 of Exploratory Data Analysis.
It contains all the code needed to generate the plots from the source data, Project dataset from EPA National Emissions database [29Mb].
- downloader
- ggplot2
- download_data.R
- environment.NEI.data: Sets environmental variables used to specify file names and locations. Should be modified as needed to point this software to the appropriate locations on the user's system.
- download.NEI.data: Downloads the dataset from the EPA National Emissions database (only needs to be run once).
- load.NEI.data: Generic function to load one of the RDS files into memory. Called by other functions.
- NEI.PM25.data: Loads the PM2.5 data frame from disk and returns it. Called by plotting functions
- NEI.ClassCodes: Loads the Classification Codes data frame from disk and returns it. Called by plotting functions
- Plot1.R
- make.NEI.plot1: Reads the PM2.5 data and produces a plot of total US Emissions by year.
- Plot2.R
- make.NEI.plot2: Reads the PM2.5 data and produces a plot of total Emissions by year within Baltimore, MD.
- Plot3.R
- make.NEI.plot3: Reads the PM2.5 data and produces a plot of total Emissions by year within Baltimore, MD broken down by type.
- Plot4.R
- make.NEI.plot4: Reads the PM2.5 data and SCC data and produces a plot of total Emissions from coal use by year within the US broken down by Type (ie Source).
- Plot5.R
- make.NEI.plot5: Reads the PM2.5 data and SCC data and produces a plot of total Emissions from different types of motor vehicles by year within Baltimore city broken down by EI Sector.
- Plot6.R
- make.NEI.plot6: Reads the PM2.5 data and SCC data and produces a plots of total Emissions from different types of motor vehicles by year broken down by EI Sector comparing Baltimore City with LA County.
- Modify the function Environment.NEI.data in download_data.R as needed to run the code on your system.
- Source the files.
- Execute download.NEI.data
- Execute desired plot functions.
Plots will be saved to working directory.