#Socket.IO-Client-Swift Socket.IO-client for iOS/OS X.
let socket = SocketIOClient(socketURL: "localhost:8080")
socket.on("connect") {data, ack in
print("socket connected")
socket.on("currentAmount") {data, ack in
if let cur = data[0] as? Double {
socket.emitWithAck("canUpdate", cur)(timeoutAfter: 0) {data in
socket.emit("update", ["amount": cur + 2.50])
ack?.with("Got your currentAmount", "dude")
##Objective-C Example
SocketIOClient* socket = [[SocketIOClient alloc] initWithSocketURL:@"localhost:8080" opts:nil];
[socket on:@"connect" callback:^(NSArray* data, SocketAckEmitter* ack) {
NSLog(@"socket connected");
[socket on:@"currentAmount" callback:^(NSArray* data, SocketAckEmitter* ack) {
double cur = [[data objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
[socket emitWithAck:@"canUpdate" withItems:@[@(cur)]](0, ^(NSArray* data) {
[socket emit:@"update" withItems:@[@{@"amount": @(cur + 2.50)}]];
[ack with:@[@"Got your currentAmount, ", @"dude"]];
[socket connect];
- Supports socket.io 1.0+
- Supports binary
- Supports Polling and WebSockets
- Supports TLS/SSL
- Can be used from Objective-C
##Installation Requires Swift 2/Xcode 7
If you need Swift 1.2/Xcode 6.3/4 use v2.4.5 (Pre-Swift 2 support is no longer maintained)
If you need Swift 1.1/Xcode 6.2 use v1.5.2. (Pre-Swift 1.2 support is no longer maintained)
Add this line to your Cartfile
github "socketio/socket.io-client-swift" ~> 3.1.4 # Or latest version
Run carthage update --platform ios,macosx
- Copy the SocketIOClientSwift folder into your Xcode project. (Make sure you add the files to your target(s))
- If you plan on using this from Objective-C, read this on exposing Swift code to Objective-C.
Create Podfile
and add pod 'Socket.IO-Client-Swift'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Socket.IO-Client-Swift', '~> 3.1.4' # Or latest version
Install pods:
$ pod install
Import the module:
import Socket_IO_Client_Swift
#import <Socket_IO_Client_Swift/Socket_IO_Client_Swift-Swift.h>
Add this line to your Seedfile
github "socketio/socket.io-client-swift", "v3.1.4", :files => "SocketIOClientSwift/*.swift" # Or latest version
Run seed install
init(socketURL: String, opts: NSDictionary? = nil)
- Constructs a new client for the given URL. opts can be omitted (will use default values) note: If your socket.io server is secure, you need to specify https
in your socketURL.
connectParams: [String: AnyObject]?
- Dictionary whose contents will be passed with the connection.reconnects: Bool
Default istrue
reconnectAttempts: Int
Default is-1
(infinite tries)reconnectWait: Int
Default is10
forcePolling: Bool
Default isfalse
forces the client to use xhr-polling.forceWebsockets: Bool
Default isfalse
forces the client to use WebSockets.nsp: String
Default is"/"
. Connects to a namespace.cookies: [NSHTTPCookie]?
An array of NSHTTPCookies. Passed during the handshake. Default is nil.log: Bool
socket will log debug messages. Default is false.logger: SocketLogger
If you wish to implement your own logger that conforms to SocketLogger you can pass it in here. Will use the default logging defined under the protocol otherwise.sessionDelegate: NSURLSessionDelegate
Sets an NSURLSessionDelegate for the underlying engine. Useful if you need to handle self-signed certs. Default is nil.path: String
- If the server uses a custom path. ex:"/swift"
. Default is""
extraHeaders: [String: String]?
- Adds custom headers to the initial request. Default is nil.handleQueue: dispatch_queue_t
- The dispatch queue that handlers are run on. Default is the main queue.
on(event: String, callback: NormalCallback)
- Adds a handler for an event. Items are passed by an array.ack
can be used to send an ack when one is requested. See example.once(event: String, callback: NormalCallback)
- Adds a handler that will only be executed once.onAny(callback:((event: String, items: AnyObject?)) -> Void)
- Adds a handler for all events. It will be called on any received event.emit(event: String, _ items: AnyObject...)
- Sends a message. Can send multiple items.emit(event: String, withItems items: [AnyObject])
for Objective-CemitWithAck(event: String, _ items: AnyObject...) -> (timeoutAfter: UInt64, callback: (NSArray?) -> Void) -> Void
- Sends a message that requests an acknowledgement from the server. Returns a function which you can use to add a handler. See example. Note: The message is not sent until you call the returned function.emitWithAck(event: String, withItems items: [AnyObject]) -> (UInt64, (NSArray?) -> Void) -> Void
for Objective-C. Note: The message is not sent until you call the returned function.connect()
- Establishes a connection to the server. A "connect" event is fired upon successful connection.connect(timeoutAfter timeoutAfter: Int, withTimeoutHandler handler: (() -> Void)?)
- Connect to the server. If it isn't connected after timeoutAfter seconds, the handler is called.close()
- Closes the socket. Once a socket is closed it should not be reopened.reconnect()
- Causes the client to reconnect to the server.joinNamespace()
- Causes the client to join nsp. Shouldn't need to be called unless you change nsp manually.leaveNamespace()
- Causes the client to leave the nsp and go back to /
- Emitted when on a successful connection.disconnect
- Emitted when the connection is closed.error
- Emitted on an error.reconnect
- Emitted when the connection is starting to reconnect.reconnectAttempt
- Emitted when attempting to reconnect.
##Detailed Example A more detailed example can be found here
##License MIT