Yorc Changelog
4.3.0 (March 11, 2022)
Consul version updated to 1.11.3 (GH-783 )
Ability to authenticate against OpenStack with token or application credentials (GH-775 )
Support nested TOSCA functions in get_secret (added a get_vault_secret function) (GH-777 )
Allow to replay workflow steps even if they are not in error (GH-771 )
Workflows steps replays on error (GH-753 )
Support Alien4Cloud 3.3.0 (GH-773 )
Slurm: Use sacct to retrieve job status when scontrol show job does not show the job anymore (GH-757 )
Add basic support for ssh on Windows (GH-751 )
Add the ability to define OpenStack Compute Instance user_data (GH-735 )
[Bootstrap] Error in AWS location configuration for the bootstrapped Yorc (GH-762 )
Over-consumption of Consul connections (GH-745 )
Yorc panics attempting to print an error handling a script execution stdout (GH-741 )
Error submitting a SLURM job with no execution option (GH-739 )
Workflow with asynchronous action never stops after another step failure (GH-733 )
Generate a checksum file for release artifacts and sign it (GH-755 )
Upgrade Vault client lib to support kv secret engine v2 (GH-779 )
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