WiFi-Pumpkin - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack with modularized proxy
This fork is an improved wifi pumpkin in term of the ease to add new proxy, plugins, and also page on the main page.but I can assure that the functionality is still the same, except you are introducing new proxy method and attack. there are so many cchange I have been made on this fork, naming some of those change made are:
Modularized and auto loaded proxy package, this has been a hard work segregating proxy into its own file. the proxy now can be added or removed just like plugin. it is located inside core/server/proxy/packages. user can create theier own proxy by following the existing example and focus on their new proxy without need to worry how it will be loaded into the program.
Modularized and autoloaded plugins which is located inside core/server/http_handler/proxyhandler
Modularized the wireless mode, it is now easy to add new wireless mode (hostapd), this to facilitate the other type of hostapd available out there (karma, mana) mode. the mode implementation are located under core/wirelessmode
The main tab (Home, Settings, Station, Activity Monitor) now segregated into its own file, if you want to add new tab, you will just need to subclass a base class which will load your new ui automatically. all this pages are located under core/widgets/defaults
The setting tab it is now generated automatically, this done if you subclassing CoreSettings class, the CoreSettings class is located in core/default/uimodel.py . after you subclassing the CoreSettings then you can generate your own user interface and it will be loaded in the Settings page
Same as Setting page, the home page will also now automatically generated if you make subclass of HomeDisplay class which is located inside core/default/uimodel.py
Moved the progrress bar display to the status bar next to the client counter.
Made an easy refference for the FSettings by calling FSettings.getInstance()
The FSettings call now located on the QApplication method instead of WifiPumpkin method.
More implementation is coming...
WiFi-Pumpkin is a very complete framework for auditing Wi-Fi security. The main feature is the ability to create a fake AP and make Man In The Middle attack, but the list of features is quite broad.
- Python 2.7
git clone https://github.com/P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin.git
cd WiFi-Pumpkin
./installer.sh --install
or download .deb file to install
sudo dpkg -i wifi-pumpkin-0.8.5-all.deb
sudo apt-get -f install # force install dependencies if not install normally
refer to the wiki for Installation
- Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point
- Deauth Attack Clients AP
- Probe Request Monitor
- DHCP Starvation Attack
- Credentials Monitor
- Transparent Proxy
- Windows Update Attack
- Phishing Manager
- Partial Bypass HSTS protocol
- Support beef hook
- ARP Poison
- DNS Spoof
- Patch Binaries via MITM
- Karma Attacks (support hostapd-mana)
- LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner (Responder)
- Pumpkin-Proxy (ProxyServer (mitmproxy API))
- Capture images on the fly
- TCP-Proxy (with scapy)
Plugin | Description |
Dns2proxy | This tools offer a different features for post-explotation once you change the DNS server to a Victim. |
Sstrip2 | Sslstrip is a MITM tool that implements Moxie Marlinspike's SSL stripping attacks based version fork @LeonardoNve/@xtr4nge. |
Sergio_proxy | Sergio Proxy (a Super Effective Recorder of Gathered Inputs and Outputs) is an HTTP proxy that was written in Python for the Twisted framework. |
BDFProxy | Patch Binaries via MITM: BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy, bdfproxy-ng is a fork and review of the original BDFProxy @secretsquirrel. |
Responder | Responder an LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner. Author: Laurent Gaffie |
Transparent proxies(mitmproxy) that you can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses, that allow to inject javascripts into the targets visited. You can easily implement a module to inject data into pages creating a python file in directory "plugins/extension/" automatically will be listed on Pumpkin-Proxy tab.
from mitmproxy.models import decoded # for decode content html
from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate
class Nameplugin(PluginTemplate):
meta = {
'Name' : 'Nameplugin',
'Version' : '1.0',
'Description' : 'Brief description of the new plugin',
'Author' : 'by dev'
def __init__(self):
for key,value in self.meta.items():
self.__dict__[key] = value
# if you want set arguments check refer wiki more info.
self.ConfigParser = False # No require arguments
def request(self, flow):
print flow.__dict__
print flow.request.__dict__
print flow.request.headers.__dict__ # request headers
host = flow.request.pretty_host # get domain on the fly requests
versionH = flow.request.http_version # get http version
# get redirect domains example
# pretty_host takes the "Host" header of the request into account,
if flow.request.pretty_host == "example.org":
flow.request.host = "mitmproxy.org"
# get all request Header example
self.send_output.emit("\n[{}][HTTP REQUEST HEADERS]".format(self.Name))
for name, valur in flow.request.headers.iteritems():
self.send_output.emit('{}: {}'.format(name,valur))
print flow.request.method # show method request
# the model printer data
self.send_output.emit('[NamePlugin]:: this is model for save data logging')
def response(self, flow):
print flow.__dict__
print flow.response.__dict__
print flow.response.headers.__dict__ #convert headers for python dict
print flow.response.headers['Content-Type'] # get content type
#every HTTP response before it is returned to the client
with decoded(flow.response):
print flow.response.content # content html
flow.response.content.replace('</body>','<h1>injected</h1></body>') # replace content tag
del flow.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] # remove protection Header
flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header
#and the new header will be added to all responses passing through the proxy
plugins on the wiki
A proxy that you can place between in a TCP stream. It filters the request and response streams with (scapy module) and actively modify packets of a TCP protocol that gets intercepted by WiFi-Pumpkin. this plugin uses modules to view or modify the intercepted data that possibly easiest implementation of a module, just add your custom module on "plugins/analyzers/" automatically will be listed on TCP-Proxy tab.
from scapy.all import *
from scapy_http import http # for layer HTTP
from default import PSniffer # base plugin class
class ExamplePlugin(PSniffer):
_activated = False
_instance = None
meta = {
'Name' : 'Example',
'Version' : '1.0',
'Description' : 'Brief description of the new plugin',
'Author' : 'your name',
def __init__(self):
for key,value in self.meta.items():
self.__dict__[key] = value
def getInstance():
if ExamplePlugin._instance is None:
ExamplePlugin._instance = ExamplePlugin()
return ExamplePlugin._instance
def filterPackets(self,pkt): # (pkt) object in order to modify the data on the fly
if pkt.haslayer(http.HTTPRequest): # filter only http request
http_layer = pkt.getlayer(http.HTTPRequest) # get http fields as dict type
ip_layer = pkt.getlayer(IP)# get ip headers fields as dict type
print http_layer.fields['Method'] # show method http request
# show all item in Header request http
for item in http_layer.fields['Headers']:
print('{} : {}'.format(item,http_layer.fields['Headers'][item]))
print ip_layer.fields['src'] # show source ip address
print ip_layer.fields['dst'] # show destiny ip address
print http_layer # show item type dict
print ip_layer # show item type dict
return self.output.emit({'name_module':'send output to tab TCP-Proxy'})
TCP-Proxy on the wiki
Screenshot on the wiki
FAQ on the wiki
Whether you want to report a bug, send a patch or give some suggestions on this project, drop us or open pull requests