yellowhiggs provides an interface with Higgs production cross section and branching ratio data in the CERN Yellow Report:
- CERNYellowReportPageAt7TeV
- CERNYellowReportPageAt8TeV
- CERNYellowReportPageAt14TeV
- CERNYellowReportPageAt1314TeV
- CERNYellowReportPageBR
Automatically install the latest version of yellowhiggs with pip:
pip install --user yellowhiggs
or with easy_install
easy_install --user yellowhiggs
Omit the --user
for a system-wide installation (requires root privileges).
To upgrade an existing installation use the -U
option in the pip
or easy_install
commands above.
Get the latest tarball on PyPI
Untar and install (replace X appropriately):
tar -zxvf yellowhiggs-X.tar.gz cd yellowhiggs-X
To install yellowhiggs into your home directory if using at least Python 2.6:
python install --user
or with older Python versions:
python install --prefix=~/.local
You might need to first create the installation directory before executing the line above (for Python 2.4):
mkdir -p ~/.local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
An example of how to use yellowhiggs:
>>> import yellowhiggs
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 130, 'vbf', 'bb')
(0.5689219999999999, (0.584851816, 0.555836794))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 130, 'vbf', 'bb', error_type='percent')
(0.5689219999999999, (2.8, 2.3))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 130, 'vbf', 'bb', error_type='factor')
(0.5689219999999999, (1.028, 0.977))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 130, 'vbf', 'tautau')
(0.0632392, (0.0650098976, 0.06178469839999999))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 125, 'ggf', 'gammagamma')
(0.0350599, (0.0418965805, 0.0297658551))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 125, 'ggf', 'gammagamma', error='scale')
(0.0350599, (0.0391619083, 0.0323252278))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 125, 'ggf', 'gammagamma', error='pdf')
(0.0350599, (0.0377945722, 0.0325005273))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 125, 'ggf', 'gammagamma', error='full')
(0.0350599, (0.0418965805, 0.0297658551))
>>> yellowhiggs.xsbr(7, 125, 'ggf', 'gammagamma', error='pdf', error_type='percent')
(0.0350599, (7.8, 7.3))
>>> yellowhiggs.xs(7, 150, 'vbf')
(0.9617, (0.9895892999999999, 0.9405426))
>>> yellowhiggs.xs(7, 150, 'vbf', error_type='percent')
(0.9617, (2.9, 2.2))
>>>, 'tautau')
>>>, 'tautau')
Cross sections are returned in units of [pb].
- xs returns the (central cross section, (high error, low error)) for a center-of-mass energy [TeV], Higgs mass [GeV], and production mode.
- br returns the branching ratio for a Higgs mass [GeV] and decay channel.
- xsbr returns the cross section times branching ratio for a center-of-mass energy [TeV], Higgs mass [GeV], production mode, and decay channel.