Hello there, I'm Yunus.
I've programmed this Java Swing application to make it simpler and faster to manage KepServerEX. Including IoT Gateway connections, it includes a configuration API client. Some extra functions are present, which include direct communication with an excel file for saving connection credentials for faster server switching and saving program logs with just a click into your folder.
You will find a video of the program running in order to give you an idea of what it does and the technologies it uses.
You will find the executables and the source code. All rights of this software belong to http://aspotomasyon.com/ and is copyrighted. With the permission of the company, I am sharing the source code with you.
You may use this software for your needs with the following conditions:
You must not reverse-engineer the software, you must not change functionalities and/or rebrand the application. The credits and copyright statements can not be modified in any condition or usage. If you decide to use parts from the source-code provided here, in your own project(s), attribution to "OPCTurkey" and/or "Yunus Emre Vurgun" with proper website/GitHub URL and name must be provided within your program in a visible section.
-Yunus Emre Vurgun from OPCTurkey.com