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Code for the paper: Improving Multi-Document Summarization through Referenced Flexible Extraction with Credit-Awareness

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Code for the paper: Improving Multi-Document Summarization through Referenced Flexible Extraction with Credit-Awareness MDS_framework

Author: @Yun-Zhu Song, @Yi-Syuan Chen,Hong-Han Shuai

Referenced Environment Setup

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

Option 1.


  1. We provide an example for processing multi-news end-to-end in src/scripts/
  2. The names of datasets can be found in src/data/

Steps: (1) download the dataset; (2) get the pseudo extractio oracle and rouge scores for each document sentence; (3) generate summary from the fine-tuned abstractor and merge the generated summary to the dataset.

(1) download dataset

cd src

(2) get pseudo extraction (take multi_news as examples)

cd src

(3) generate summary from finetuned abstractor (multi_news) and merge the generated results to dataset. (take multi_news as examples)

cd src

Option 2. Dowload Our Processed Dataset

Please place the dataset at datasets/ext_oracle/ according to the following code structure or change the dataset directory path writing in src/data/

Multi-News, Xscience, WikiCatSum

Code Structure

  | -> main function
  | -> for defining different operation process
      |_finetune_abs_base_O.json -> configuration of finetuning abstractor (base, oracle input) for supporting extractor RL training
      |_finetune_abs_large_O.json -> configuration of finetuning abstractor (large, oracle input) for test time inference
      |_finetune_abs_large_A.json -> configuration of finetuning abstractor (large, article input) for providing summary reference
      |_train_ext_mle.json -> configuration of training extractor with MLE (extractor pretraining)
      |_train_ext_rl.json -> configuration of training extractor with RL (extractor training)
      |_pred.json -> configuration of obtaining the extraction prediction
      |_eval.json -> configuration of evaluating the extraction results
    | -> recording the scripts for the training and evaluation steps
    | -> an example for constructing the multi_news end-to-end

  |_ext_oracle\ -> put the processed datasets in this directory
outputs\ -> directory for saving experiments
      |_bart-base-O\ -> for supporting extractor RL training
      |_bart-large-O\ -> for test time inference
      |_bart-large-A\ -> for generating summary reference
      |_SR_POR\ -> pretrained extractor
      |_final\ -> final model

Trained Model

Dataset Finetuned Abstractor Pretrained (REFLECT-MLE) Final (REFLECT)
Multi-News Bart-base-Oracle, Bart-large-Oracle, Bart-large-Article SR_POR final
XScience final


1. Abstractor Training

There are 4 different configs for abstractor.

Model Size Input Type
BART Base Oracle
BAET Base Article
BART Large Oracle
BAET Large Article

How to change to different configs

dataset_name Oracle Text Column Article Text Column
multi_news_bl_own summary_ext document
xscience_bl_own summary_ext document
cd src
python ./scirpts/args/finetune_abs_base_O.json
python ./scirpts/args/finetine_abs_large_O.json
python ./scirpts/args/finetine_abs_large_A.json

2. Extractor Pretraining

cd src
python ./scripts/args/train_ext_mle.json

3. Extractor Training

cd src
python ./scripts/args/train_ext_rl.json

4. Model Evaluation

cd src
python ./scripts/args/pred.json
python ./scripts/args/eval.json

Argument Description

Arguments for switching between abstractor training or extractor training

"task_type": "seq2seq" for abstractor. "two_stage_extraction" for extractor.
"training_type": "mle" for abstractor finetuning. "ext_mle" for extractor pretraining. "ext_rl" for extractor training.
"data_preprocess": "doc_trun" for abstractor. "doc_trun_and_build_sent_index" for extractor.

Arguments for extractor only

"summary_ext_column": "summary_ext"

Arguments for training our extractor:

"ext_model_name_or_path": Specify the model name or path to give the extractor config. default: deepset/roberta-base-squad2.
"different_base_model_for_two_stage": Specify true when the extractor config and abstractor config are different. default: true.
"load_trained_abstractor_from": Specify the model path for finetuned abstractor.
"load_trained_extractor_from": Specify the model path for pretrained extractor.
"train_only": Specify module name for training the module. default:"extractor"

Arguments for model configuration:

"score_cls_weighting": whether to adopt Peudo Oracle Relaxation (POR), true or false.
"reference_extraction": wether to adopt Summary Referencing (SR), true or false. If true, need to assign the "reference_column" to the column of pregenearted summary.
"reference_column": Assign the column of pregenerated summary in dataset. Only activate when \"reference_extraction\" is true. default: "summary_gen".
""num_hierarchical_layer"": Number of hierarchical layers in extractor, 0 means flat structure for controlling loading pretrained model. Used in default:3.

Arguments for reinforcement learning:

"use_mixer_loss": Whether to consider the MLE loss. dedault: true.
"mixer_weight": The weight for mixing the MLE and RL loss. default: 0.1.
"update_full_action": Wether to update the full action or only update the output with the sampled action that are different from the greedy action. false for CASC, true for SC.


    title = "Improving Multi-Document Summarization through Referenced Flexible Extraction with Credit-Awareness",
    author = "Song, Yun-Zhu  and
      Chen, Yi-Syuan  and
      Shuai, Hong-Han",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies",
    month = jul,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Seattle, United States",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.naacl-main.120",
    pages = "1667--1681",


Code for the paper: Improving Multi-Document Summarization through Referenced Flexible Extraction with Credit-Awareness







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