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Yuorb Multilingual Translation Guide

天邪弱 Lucifer Caelius Delicatus edited this page May 29, 2024 · 2 revisions


Multilingual Support

The website (Yuorb) leverages VuePress to support multiple languages, allowing you to translate documents into various languages and enabling users to switch languages easily.

  • Streamlined Configuration: By simple configuration, you can effortlessly add multilingual support.
  • Flexible Translation: Translate various aspects of the website such as titles, descriptions, content, navigation bars, sidebars, and more.
  • Automatic Generation: VuePress will automatically generate website files in different languages.

Translation Process

  • Create Language Folders: Within the docs folder, create language-specific folders like zh for Chinese translation. Use IETF language tags to represent your language.
  • Copy Content: Duplicate English content files (from the en folder) into the language-specific folders.
  • Translate Content: Translate the content within the language-specific folders.
  • Configure Language: In the /.vuepress/ directory, configure language information within the TypeScript file.

Website Multilingual Configuration

Configuring Language Information

  • locales Option: In the /.vuepress/ directory, use the locales option in the config.ts file to configure language information.
  • Language Path: The language path specifies the path to the language folder, for instance, /zh/ for Chinese translation.
  • Language Information: Each language path corresponds to an object containing language codes, titles, descriptions, and more.
export default defineUserConfig({
  locales: {
    "/": {
    lang: "zh-CN",
    title: "NiGHT",
    description: "悦耳部: New Ithkuil 语法 S·T·I(意指、翻译、解释)",
    "/en/": {
    lang: "en-US",
    title: "NiGHT",
    description: "Yuorb: New Ithkuil Grammar S·T·I (Signification, Translation, Interpretation)",
    "/ja/": {
    lang: "ja-JP",
    title: "NiGHT",
    description: "ユオルブ:新イスクイル語文法 S・T・I (意味、翻訳、解釈)",

Configuring hopeTheme Language Information

  • locales Option: In the /.vuepress/ directory, utilize the locales option within the theme.ts file to configure language information for hopeTheme.
  • Language Path: Specify the language folder path, like /zh/ for Chinese translation.
  • Language Information: Each language path corresponds to an object containing language codes, titles, descriptions, etc.

Note that the constants enNavbar and enSidebar are also corrected accordingly.

import { zhNavbar } from "./navbar/index.ts";
import { zhSidebar } from "./sidebar/index.ts";
import { enNavbar } from "./navbar/index.ts";
import { enSidebar } from "./sidebar/index.ts";
import { jaNavbar } from "./navbar/index.ts";
import { jaSidebar } from "./sidebar/index.ts";
/* import your Navbar and Sidebar */

export default hopeTheme({
  locales: {
    "/": {
      // navbar
      navbar: zhNavbar,

      // sidebar
      sidebar: zhSidebar,

      footer: "Yuorb: 该非官方组织旨在为提供 New Ithkuil 的 S·T·I(意指、翻译、解释)服务。",

      displayFooter: true,

      // page meta
      metaLocales: {
        editLink: "在 GitHub 上编辑此页",
    "/en/": {
      // navbar
      navbar: enNavbar,

      // sidebar
      sidebar: enSidebar,

      footer: "Yuorb: The unofficial organization aiming to provide the S·T·I (Signification, Translation, Interpretation) service for New Ithkuil.",

      displayFooter: true,

      // page meta
      metaLocales: {
        editLink: "Edit this page on GitHub",
    "/ja/": {
      // navbar
      navbar: jaNavbar,

      // sidebar
      sidebar: jaSidebar,

      footer: "Yuorb: New Ithkuil に S・T・I (Signification、Translation、Interpretation) サービスを提供することを目的とした非公式組織",

      displayFooter: true,

      // page meta
      metaLocales: {
        editLink: "Edit this page on GitHub",

Navigation Bar Multilingual Configuration

Navbar Configuration

  • navbar Option: In the /.vuepress/navbar/ directory, duplicate the en.ts file, rename it using your language tag, and modify its content to customize the navbar option configuration for the navigation bar.
  • Language Configuration: Each language path corresponds to an array to specify the navigation bar links.

Note that the constant enNavbar and the path /en/ are also corrected accordingly.

export const enNavbar = navbar([
  { text: "Home", icon: "fas fa-house", link: "/en/" },
  { text: "Docs", icon: "fas fa-book-open", link: "/en/docs/" },
  { text: "Tutorial", icon: "fas fa-person-chalkboard", link: "/tutorial/" },
    text: "Tools",
    icon: "fas fa-tools",
    children: [
        text: "Dictionary: Enţrirç",
        icon: "fas fa-book",
        link: "/enthrirhc/",
        text: "Word formation tool: Hwirbuvie-Ekţgyil",
        icon: "fas fa-pen-to-square",
        link: "",
        text: "Ithkuil Script Generator",
        icon: "fas fa-signature",
        link: "",
        text: "Numeral Converter",
        icon: "fas fa-hashtag",
        link: "/tool/num",
        text: "Color picker",
        icon: "fas fa-palette",
        link: "",


In the index.ts file within the same directory, import the modified navbar files

export * from "./en.ts";
export * from "./zh.ts";
export * from "./ja.ts";

Sidebar Multilingual Configuration

Sidebar Configuration

  • sidebar Option: In the /.vuepress/sidebar/ directory, duplicate the en.ts file, rename it using your language tag, and modify its content to configure the sidebar option for the sidebar menu.
  • Language Configuration: Each language path corresponds to an array specifying the sidebar links.

Note that the constant enSidebar and the path /en/ are also corrected accordingly.

export const enSidebar = sidebar({
  "/en/": [
      text: "Grammar docs",
      prefix: "docs/",
      link: "docs/",
      children: [
        // "term",
          text: "Sections",
          children: ["00", "01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14", "15", "pt"],
    /* {
      text: "Tutorials",
      prefix: "tutorial/",
      link: "tutorial/",
      children: [
    }, */

In the index.ts file within the same directory, import the modified navbar files

export * from "./en.ts";
export * from "./zh.ts";
export * from "./ja.ts";

Markdown Multilingual Support

Markdown Translation

  • Translate Content: Copy English content files into the language-specific folders and proceed with translation.
  • Preserve Format: Ensure not to delete Markdown and HTML code and tags; keep the formatting consistent.

Markdown Syntax Extensions

  • Built-in Syntax: VuePress provides built-in Markdown syntax extensions like tables, code blocks, etc.
  • Custom Syntax: You can extend Markdown syntax using Markdown plugins.

Translation Considerations

Translation Consistency

  • Uniform Terminology: Ensure consistency in all translations.
  • Consistent Style: Maintain uniform translation style, including tone and voice.

Translation Quality

  • Thorough Proofreading: Carefully proofread translation content for accuracy.
  • Test Verification: Test the translated website to ensure all functions operate correctly.


Multilingual Translation Guide

  • Create language folders within the docs directory.
  • Duplicate and translate content files.
  • Configure language settings in the config.ts and theme.ts files within the .vuepress directory.
  • Configure theme for multilingual support.
  • Configure navigation bar links according to language.
  • Configure sidebar links based on language.
  • Utilize appropriate translation tools.
  • Ensure translation consistency and quality.

Useful Links

We hope this guide assists you in completing the multilingual translation work for the Yuorb website.