This Tool is using python 2.7, if you want to change to python3 just switch between the raw_input to input.
to install it just run the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
and then you can run the tool like that:
python --host --kerberos --shell
you can use this command line tool in order to connect to another computer using the winrm protocol.
you have couple of choices how to connect:
- kerberos (neet to get tgt outside this shell with kinit, or by connecting with domain user on linux domain joined host.
- ntlm (also support pass the hash using the nt hash).
and for running commands, you can use:
- command (cmd command).
- Powershell-command.
- Powershell-script.
- Powershell-Shell.
This tool also support special shell commands for uploading and downloading file from and to the destination computer, see in the example section of the help menu
you can see all the options and running examples in the help menu when running:
python --help
Yuval Weber, DevOps Engineer.