- IMG reader/extractor - Create your own avatar!
- Preview of the avatar in the program itself
- Supports all versions of GunBound WC1 (even the old ones)
- Supports many IMG formats (PNG, BMP, etc)
- Change avatar position frame by frame
- Create your custom avatars
You can run this program on our Release page or you can compile it yourself using Visual Studio 2019. The program is very simple and it doesn't need any installation of third-party libraries. This program was made using C# and .NET Framework 4.7.2
I'm a Lifelong learner, software developer, I study economy, blockchains, tech, astronomy and history. Intelectually generalist, I have interests in many fields of science.
🔭 I’m currently working on GunBound GITZ as Founder/CEO
🌱 I’m currently studying Solidity, Python and React Native
👨💻 All of my projects are available at www.github.com/zC4sTr0
📫 How to reach me: gabriel.sodre@aluno.ufop.edu.br