UI 1 is based on mpv-modern-x-compact.
UI 2 is based on vanilla PotPlayer.
Giving access to functionalities and OSC customization directly through the OSC without having to modifiy the script.
- Switch between 2 OSC, and 2 minimal versions of them.
- Change seekbar color / height
- On top : on / off / while playing
- Chapters : on / off
- Thumbfast : on / off
- Tooltips : on / off
- OSC mode : always hide / show on pause / always show
- OSC behaviour : show on cursor move on / off
- Modify subtitles vertical positioning
- Modify hide / fade timeouts
- Loop file / playlist
Changes are saved in a saveparams.ini file in the root directory.
Extra buttons can be hidden by right-clicking on the show Statistics one.
Compatible with thumbfast
Config folders :
- Linux :
- Windows :
- Compatible Windows and Linux, v1 icons.
- Copy tog4in1.lua in a
folder. - Copy the
- Compatible Linux only, v2 icons.
- Copy tog4in1.lua in a
folder. - Copy the
folder. - The 2 other fonts must be installed as system fonts in :
- Left timer > Left click : Show / hide title in OSC
- Left timer > Right click : Show / hide title in top bar
- Right timer > Right click : Shitch between default / minimal UI versions
- Seekbar > Right click : Chapters on / off
- Seekbar > Mouse wheel : Increase / decrease seekbar height
- Play button > Right clic : Cycle seekbar / hover colors
- Toggle UI > Left click : Switch between th 2 OSC
- Toggle on top > Left click : On / off
- Toggle on top > Right click : While playing
- Toggle osc mode > Left clic : switch OSC default / on pause / always
- Toggle osc mode > Right clic : show OSC on mouse move on / off
- Toggle osc mode > Mouse wheel : increase / decrease hide timeout
- Toggle osc mode > Shift + wheel : increase / decrease fade timeout
- Toggle statistics > Left clic : Show statistics
- Toggle statistics > Right clic : Show / hide extra buttons
- Toggle tooltips > Left click : On / off
- Toggle thumbfast > Left click : On / off
- Toggle loop > Left click : Loop current file on / off
- Toggle loop > Right click : Loop playlist on / off
- Toggle subtitles > Left clic : Next subtitle + OSD List
- Toggle subtitles > Right clic : Previous subtitle + OSD List
- Toggle subtitles > Mouse wheel : Subtitle position up / down
- Toggle audio > Left clic : Next audio track + OSD List
- Toggle audio > Right clic : Previous audio track + OSD List
Parameters in user_opts
-- tog4in1
modernTog = true, -- Default UI (true) or PotPlayer-like UI (false)
minimalUI = false, -- Minimal UI (chapters disabled)
UIAllWhite = false, -- UI all white (no grey buttons / text)
saveFile = true, -- Minimal UI (chapters disabled)
minimalSeekY = 30, -- Height minimal UI
jumpValue = 5, -- Default jump value in s (From OSC only)
smallIcon = 20, -- Dimensions in px of small icons
seekbarColorIndex = 8, -- Default OSC seekbar color (oscPalette)
seekbarHeight = 0, -- seekbar height offset
seekbarBgHeight = true, -- seekbar background height follow seekbar height
bgBarAlpha = 180, -- seekbar background opacity
showCache = true, -- Show cache
showInfos = false, -- Toggle Statistics
showThumbfast = true, -- Toggle Thumbfast
showTooltip = true, -- Toggle Tooltips
showChapters = false, -- Toggle chapters on / off
showTitle = false, -- show title in OSC
showIcons = true, -- show 'advanced buttons'
onTopWhilePlaying = true, -- Toggle On top while playing
oscMode = "default", -- Toggle OSC Modes default / onpause / always
heightoscShowHidearea = 120, -- Height show / hide osc area
heightwcShowHidearea = 30, -- Height show / hide window controls area
visibleButtonsW = 300, -- Max width for bottom OSC side buttons visible
Hexa codes are "reversed" in mpv. ABCDEF becomes EFCDAB.
local osc_palette = {
[1] = "7f7f00", -- cyan
[2] = "E39C42", -- blue
[3] = "23a08e", -- green apple
[4] = "56bb58", -- green
[5] = "38b3ce", -- yellow past
[6] = "1190cf", -- orange past
[7] = "0261ec", -- orange
[8] = "3333ff", -- red past
[9] = "cc66ff", -- pink
[10] = "e9e9e9", -- white
Content saveparams.ini
Base : mpv-modern-x-compact
Lists : mpv-osc-tethys
On top while playing : https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/TOOLS/lua/ontop-playback.lua
Saving params in file : mpv-player/mpv#3201 (comment)