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unicorn edited this page May 14, 2021 · 1 revision

To confirm everything so far worked export and reimport the pool (in this case zroot). To do this type zpool export zroot to export the pool (to be able to export a pool make sure all datasets are unmounted, which we already made sure) and reimport it with zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id -R /mnt zroot -N .

After being imported, the pool still needs to be mounted. In case you encrypted your pool, it first needs to be unlocked with zfs load-key zroot, which will prompt you for a password assuming you chose prompt as the key location for your root pool. Now make sure to first only mount the ROOT/default dataset with zfs mount zroot/ROOT/default as the order is important, then the remaining datasets with zfs mount -a.

Finishing touches before actual install

create the mount mountpoint at /mnt/boot with mkdir /mnt/boot. Its worth mentioning that nowadays its more common to mount uefi systems at /efi but in our case /boot works better with rEFInd.

mount the efi partition at /mnt/boot with mount /dev/DISKp1 /mnt/boot and set the root to boot from for zroot with zpool set bootfs=zroot/ROOT/default zroot.

finally "install" the system with pacstrap /mnt PACKAGES where PACKAGES is a space separated list of packages you need in the new system, it should only contain necessary packages, the rest should be installed when chrooted. An example would be base base-devel neovim openssh opendoas and in some cases a networkmanager like NetworkManager or iwctl if you want to use wifi with systemd-networkmanager. You could also copy the ArchISO pacman.conf to the new system with cp /etc/pacman.conf /mnt/etc/

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