These instructions describe how to deploy the ZaanAtlas assuming you have a copy of the application source code from GitHub.
To get a copy of the application source code, use git:
git clone
The ZaanAtlas repository contains what you need to run the application as a servlet with an integrated persistence layer. Due to its age, the application only runs under Java 1.5. Download the product for your operating system from
Download the Windows installer for JDK 1.5 and start the wizard. Accept the Terms and Conditions and proceed with the installation.
For Zaanstad employees, make sure to copy the installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.5.0_22
) to the personal U:-drive as not to lose it.
Expose the location of the Java executable to the runtime environment:
setx JAVACMD "U:\Programs\jdk1.5.0_22\bin\java.exe"
On *nix operating systems (assuming the download is available in the /tmp
cd /tmp
chmod +x jdk-1_5_0_22-linux-amd64.bin
sudo mv jdk1.5.0_22 /opt/
export JDK_INSTALL=/opt/jdk1.5.0_22
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar $JDK_INSTALL/bin/jar 1
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java $JDK_INSTALL/bin/java 1
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac $JDK_INSTALL/bin/javac 1
sudo update-alternatives --set jar $JDK_INSTALL/bin/jar
sudo update-alternatives --set java $JDK_INSTALL/bin/java
sudo update-alternatives --set javac $JDK_INSTALL/bin/javac
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Then select Java 1.5 as the version to use.
To assemble the servlet or run in development mode, you need Ant. Due to the ZaanAtlas being tied to Java 1.5, install Ant version 1.9.x.
Download the Windows installer for Ant 1.9. Unzip the folder and put it with the other programs.
For Zaanstad employees, make sure to copy the installation folder to the personal U:-drive as not to lose it.
Expose the location of the ant
executable to the runtime environment:
setx ANT_HOME "U:\Programs\apache-ant-1.9.15"
setx PATH "%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin"
On *nux operating systems:
cd /tmp
sudo tar -xf apache-ant-1.9.15-bin.tar.gz -C /opt/
Expose the location of the ant
executable to the runtime environment:
export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.9.15
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin
External dependencies are pulled in from GitHub. To access these dependencies, generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) at GitHub to authenticate.
On *nux operating systems:
export MY_GIT_TOKEN=***********************************
echo 'echo $MY_GIT_TOKEN' > $HOME/.git-askpass
chmod +x $HOME/.git-askpass
export GIT_ASKPASS=$HOME/.git-askpass
Before running in development mode or preparing the application for deployment, you need to pull in external dependencies. Do this by running ant init
in the ZaanAtlas directory:
ant init
The application can be run in development or distribution mode. In development mode, individual scripts are available to a debugger. In distribution mode, scripts are concatenated and minified.
To run the application in development mode, run:
ant debug
If the build succeeds, you'll be able to browse to the application at http://localhost:8080/.
By default, the application runs on port 8080. To change this, you can set the app.port
property as follows (setting the port to 9080):
ant -Dapp.port=9080 debug
ZaanAtlas writes to a geoexplorer.db
when saving maps. The location of this file is determined by the GEOEXPLORER_DATA
value at runtime. This value can be set as a servlet initialization parameter or a Java system property.
value must be a path to a directory that is writable by the process that runs the application. The servlet initialization parameter is given precedence over a system property if both exist.
As an example, if you want the geoexplorer.db
file to be written to your /tmp
directory, modify GeoExplorer's web.xml
file to include the following:
or you can set the location as an environment variable.
On Windows:
On *nix:
Running the ZaanAtlas as described above is not suitable for production because JavaScript files will be loaded dynamically. Before moving your application to a production environment, run ant
with the "war" target. The "war" target will result in a /build/
directory and a zaanatlas.war
file that contains all the parts of the web application: Java class files, HTML pages, images, and other resources:
ant war
Move the zaanatlas.war
file to your production environment (i.e. the Jetty servlet container).