List of useful tutorials, libraries and software regarding cqrs, event sourcing, event-driven system, event-driven architecture.
- -c# aggregates, snapshotting, out of band events, competing consumers, conflict resolving
- - c# aggregates, snapshotting, events versioning, SQL eventstore, GES eventstore, RavenDb eventstore
- - c#, not updated
- - c#, fluent and async api, azure bus, redis message broker, sql eventstore
- - c#, microservices, cassandra eventstore, sql eventstore, protobuf, cassandra projections, elasticsearch projections, rabbitmq messaging
- EventFlow - aggregates, async api, configurable, SQL eventstore, GES eventstore, InMemory eventstore, sqlserver projections, elasticsearch projections, snapshotting, sagas aka process managers, scheduling, policies
- CQRSLite - net core, uow and repository of aggregates, snapshotting, pluggable, missing implementations
- - elixir cqrs, Pg eventstore, GES eventstore, sagas, projections, scheduling, missing snapshotting
- MS Its.Cqrs - ddd, Azure ready, SQL eventstore, scheduling, snapshotting, authorization layer, projections, Microsoft workers made it
- - based on CQRSlite, Azure ready, uow and repository of aggregates, GES eventstore, ASB support, Azure CosmosDb support, MongoDb projections, support, authentication layer, sagas, commercial support
- Cirqus - ddd, EF projections, MongoDb projections, MongoDb eventstore, SQL eventstore, snapshotting, caching
- BrighterCommand/Paramore - ports and adapters, Pg eventstore, SQLServer eventstore, SQLite eventstore, MySQL eventstore, ASB support, Kafka support, Redis queues support, RabbitMQ support, policies
- LiquidProjections - projector of events, RavenDb projections,NH projections, event types mapper
- Streamstone - azure event sourcing
- CQRS in Azure - Microsoft article 'bout using CQRS in Azure (4 parts)
- Task based UI - Greg young explanation of UI patter suitable for ES or distributed storage
- EventStore as read model - how GES projections is working
- A deep look into the EventStore - GES internals by greg Young