RTC Portal VCL http://www.realthinclient.com
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 RealThinClient components All Rights reserved.
1.) Installing Portal components and compiling Demos
2.) RTC Portal Host with a Video Mirror Driver
RTC Portal is compatible with Delphi 7 - 10.2 for the Win32 platform.
To be able to open and compile the RTC Portal projects, you first need to install the RealThinClient SDK v8.04 or later, available from:
To intall the RealThinClient SDK, please follow the instructions from the "readme.txt" file in the RealThinClient SDK package.
Once RealThinClient SDK is installed, please unpack all RTC Portal files into a folder of your choice, but NOT into the RealThinClient SDK folder.
To make RTC Portal Lib files accessible from all RTC Portal projects, select "Tools / Environment Options" from the Delphi menu, then open the "Library" tab and add the full path to the "Lib" folder as "Library path".
Once you are finished with the above setup, you should open the package file "rtcPortal.dpk" from the "Lib" folder, compile and install it.
After that, you will be able to compile all projects from the "Demos" folder.
RTC Portal Host can use the DemoForge Mirage Driver for faster screen capture.
DemoForge Mirage Driver is available directly from DemoForge: