A light wrapper on top of spring resttemplate, serve as a fascade, and convert the orginal exception manner response handling into fluent style
When we using any httClient in rest surrounded microservice environments, in most cases we will handle more sophisticated scenario than just simple request/response transaction.
For instance, we will need do something which based on the result of some other service.
try {
ResponseEntity<Object> result = this.restTemplate.exchange(requestUrl, initMethod, httpEntity, new ParameterizedTypeReference<Object>() {
} catch (RestClientException e) {
if (e instanceof HttpStatusCodeException) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND == ((HttpStatusCodeException) e).getStatusCode()) {
Not mention the code is not pretty, just thinking about how can we add the dosomething() in case it is another call based on the result.
We may never need a very deep http call chain. But the problem here is, we dont have a abstract level to represent the logic of send -> handle -> report.
Notice result here is a generic type, it can be any type.
String result = GenericHttpClient.newRequest(HttpMethod.GET, url).
withHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "application/txt").
onException(registeredExceptionHandlerType, exceptionHandler).
onRespond(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, specificRespCodeHandler).
Or, you can plug this module into your project, in most cases there will be a header/body related factory, say HttpEntityFactory
which should implement HttpEntityFactory
then register it though
GenericHttpClient.newRequest(HttpMethod.GET, url).