🔭 Current Project: Building a ChatBot for a university project, exploring conversational AI.
🌱 Learning: Enhancing my backend skills with Nest.js.
👯 Collaboration: Open to working on innovative applications with passionate developers.
🤝 Networking: Always eager to connect with like-minded developers and tech enthusiasts.
⚡ Fun Fact: Bitter chocolate is even better when paired with pistachios!
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Node.js-Express_AZE PublicNode.js və Express ilə Back-End proqramlarının inkişafı
userlist-MERN PublicUser List MERN Application - This project showcases a comprehensive implementation of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack to create a dynamic and responsive web application for …
github-user-search-app PublicGitHub User Search In this project, I implemented the Fetch API to retrieve GitHub user data. Utilizing a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I designed an interface that offers both dark and…
randomcolor PublicThis project was developed solely for entertainment purposes. Employing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I crafted this project to offer an interactive experience. Users can engage with the project by cl…
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