This project is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking.
netpractice is a networking project designed to provide a hands-on practical exercise to help you understand networking concepts. In this project, you will configure small-scale networks and gain experience with TCP/IP addressing. The exercises are completed in 10 levels, and you'll document your solutions in your Git repository.
This project serves as a practical exploration of networking concepts. The exercises provided here focus on configuring simulated networks, allowing you to apply and reinforce your understanding of TCP/IP addressing.
The project consists of 10 levels, each represented by a JSON file (e.g., level1.json) containing the necessary configuration details. The goal is to complete each level, understanding and implementing the required configurations. The solutions should be documented and committed to your Git repository.
The training interface for this project is accessible through a web browser. Follow these steps to get started:
- Open your web browser.
- Navigate to index.html on netpractice folder in your netpractice project page
The project repository is organized to facilitate the completion and submission of the exercises. Here's an overview of the typical project structure: netpractice/ |-- level1.json |-- level2.json ... |-- level10.json
Each JSON file (e.g., level1.json) contains the necessary configuration details for the respective level.
Description of the exercise for Level 1.
Description of the exercise for Level 10.