Package for operating Raspberry Pi Mouse with some kinds of game controllers.
This package supports the following controllers:
- Logicool Wireless Gamepad F710
This package requires the following to run:
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu 16.04 (Ubuntu 16.04 Server recomended)
- Kinetic Kame
- ROS Package
- Raspberry Pi Mouse Controller - ryuichiueda/raspimouse_ros_2
First of all, install the latest stable version of ROS.
Please refer to ROS WiKi for installation.
Next, download the dependent ROS package into ~/catkin_ws/src
and build it.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make && source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Finally, download this repository and build it.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make && source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
This is a script for connecting Raspberry Pi Mouse to a DUALSHOCK 4.
To use this script with raspimouse_ros_2, input the following commands.
$ roslaunch raspimouse_ros_2 raspimouse.launch
$ rosrun joy joy_node
$ rosrun raspimouse_game_controller
To give motion command, you must press the button drawn a square.
With the press, you can control the robot with the four arrow buttons.
By pressing the up/down button, you can give the velocity of front/back
direction respectively.
Angular velocity can be then given by pressing the right or left button.
This is a script for connecting Raspberry Pi Mouse to a Logicool Wireless Gamepad F710.
To use this script with raspimouse_ros_2, input the following commands.
$ roslaunch raspimouse_game_controller run_with_base_nodes.launch
Any jsX
joy-device can be specified and used with "dev" option, for example:
$ roslaunch raspimouse_game_controller run_with_base_nodes.launch dev:=/dev/input/js1
Beforehand, select DirectInput(D) mode, and the MODE button must be pressed and the LED beside the button must be lit.
With the press of the X button, you can control the
robot with the four arrow buttons. By pressing the up/down button,
you can give the velocity of front/back direction respectively.
Angular velocity can be then given by pressing the right or left button.