Tricluster is the first tri-clustering algorithm for microarray expression clustering. It builds upon our microCluster bi-clustering approach. Tricluster first mines all the bi-clusters across the gene-sample slices, and then it extends these into tri-clusters across time or space (depending on the third dimension). It can find both scaling and shifting patterns.
Lizhuang Zhao and Mohammed J. Zaki. TriCluster: an effective algorithm for mining coherent clusters in 3d microarray data. In ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data. June 2005.
Lizhuang Zhao and Mohammed J. Zaki. Microcluster: an efficient deterministic biclustering algorithm for microarray data. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(6):40–49, Nov/Dec 2005. special issue on Data Mining for Bioinformatics.
cd TriCluster and make
cd microCluster and make
Read in each dir